MAT is being conducted by AIMA on coming 2nd September 2012 is a very good opportunity for all those MBA aspirants who wish to be admitted for the class of 2013-14
CAT aspirants may use this exam as testing ground for the purpose of gaining confidence. Minimum benefit will be to get accustomed to exam stress, speed and accuracy.
Questions in MAT are also at par with other exams hence, you are bound to get fair idea on forthcoming competition which is fierce as it is estimated that approximately more than 3, 50, 000 candidates compete with each other for various MBA entrance exams.
MAT scores are valid for one year, this can work like back up for those unfortunate who might not be eligible for top B schools.
Time is reaping to get on to preparation for MAT as number of days are less. No harm to try your hand on CAT Mock Tests to crack MAT
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