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NMAT 2013 Exam Alert: Advantage MBA aspirants - Scores will be scaled

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NMAT Exam Alert: Advantage MBA aspirants - Scores will be scaled

NMAT2013  is a computer-delivered test where each candidate gets a randomly generated exam from a pool of questions. The number of questions, difficulty levels and the time limit for each of the sections is predetermined and, under normal administration conditions, are the same regardless of when and where the test is administered.

The test is non-adaptive in which the computer will display questions one at a time. In NMAT 2013, candidates can choose the order of three test sections and can review the answers.
NMIMS does not send any results directly to the candidates, but it will publish scaled scores every 4-5 weeks and the final percentile results on their website on a pre-set and announced date.
Scaled scores - All the test forms are equated to account for any differences in overall difficulty and the raw test scores are placed on a common scale. This is done to ensure scores are comparable across test forms such that the scores are not impacted by different candidates getting different test forms.
Percentile scores - The percentile rank or score shows how a candidate scored when compared to all other candidates who took the exam (e.g. all candidates who will give the NMAT-2013). For example, if a candidate is said to be at the 75th percentile, the candidate scored better than 75% of the candidates who took the NMAT-2013.
NMAT 2013 is being conducted from 11th October to 19th December 2012  with a test  window period of almost one and a half month. 
Last Date for registration is Tuesday, September 25, 2012 
You can Register at  www.nmims.edu
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