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Arun Sharma CAT Books [Download full PDF]

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Arun Sharma CAT Books [Download full PDF]

For over two and half decades, Arun Sharma, an IIM Bangalore alumnus, has been mentoring corporate leaders, CAT, and other B-School Entrance exam applicants, but he has also personally guided over a thousand students who have gone on to IIMs and other top B-schools. He is the author of a series of popular books on the CAT and other aptitude exams published by the renowned publisher, McGraw Hill Publications.

Arun Sharma has dedicated his life to educating students, and he has also helped aspirants through mindworkzz CAT coaching online platform during the time of the Pandemic. He has a proven record of passing the CAT exam 16 times in a row with a 99.99 percentile. So, he has a profound understanding of each subject, and his method of explaining all CAT-related concepts remains the most comprehensible to this day because of his years of training experience.

All concepts are covered in easy-to-understand language, so a student can master both the basic and advanced parts of the subject and prepare for all kinds of questions that may be asked in competitive exams. The focus is not only on clarifying the basics but also on the clarity and understanding of each concept. His CAT Preparation Publications are the books that experts and students strongly recommend. His books incorporate topic-based quizzes and practice tests. The books are also widely available as ebooks, which can be accessed quickly, and students can purchase them from the Amazon Store and Flipkart.

Let us take you through some CAT Books for CAT Preparation (PDF).

What are the best books by Arun Sharma for CAT preparation?

Name of the Book                           Edition Publisher Book Authors
How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) 9th  McGraw Hill
Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT 10th  McGraw Hill Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay
How To Prepare For Data Interpretation for CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) 7th  McGraw Hill McGraw Hill
How To Prepare For Logical Reasoning For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) 6th  McGraw Hill Arun Sharma
Chapter-Wise Solved Previous Years' Papers for CAT

Standard Edition

McGraw Hill Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay

How to Download the Latest Edition of Arun Sharma's CAT Books?

Arun Sharma's CAT preparation books are exclusively available on the McGraw Hill website, Flipkart, Amazon Store and other platforms.

Also, students can purchase the kindle edition of each book.

Name of the Book Price Links For Purchase
How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) | 9th Edition (872 Pages) Paperback - ₹920 Buy Now
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT | 10th Edition (920 Pages) Paperback - ₹896 Buy Now
How To Prepare For Data Interpretation for CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) | 7th Edition (632 Pages) Paperback - ₹595 Buy Now
How To Prepare For Logical Reasoning For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) | 6th Edition (457 Pages) Paperback - ₹650 Buy Now
Chapter-Wise Solved Previous Years' Papers for CAT | Standard Edition Paperback - ₹580 Buy Now

Other Books by Arun Sharma are also available on Amazon and other online platforms.

How many books are there of Arun Sharma for CAT?

Arun Sharma has a total of 5 books, all available in the latest edition.

The books are published by MCGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, a well-known publishing house.

CAT entrance exam has 3 sections, and Arun Sharma's books are available in all the sections separately.

  • Quantitative Aptitude

The name of the book is "How to Prepare for QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE for CAT (With CAT Practice Tests on Pull Marks) | 9th Edition" - By Arun Sharma. A total 9 editions of Quantitative Aptitude for CAT are available.

The 9th edition is the most recent edition. The book includes Key Points for preparations, mock tests, last year CAT examination paper. The most recent edition of his Quantitative Aptitude for CAT includes CAT Practice Tests on Pull Marks. Comprehensive solutions are also provided to questions in all levels of difficulties (LODs) of all chapters.

The 9th edition of Quantitative Aptitude was designed to be compatible with the latest CAT examination trend and pattern. This book serves as a comprehensive solution for CAT and MBA exam candidates who want to flourish in the Quantitative Aptitude part of the major management entrance exams.

  • Verbal Ability and reading Comprehension

The name of the book is "How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT | 9th Edition" - By Arun Sharma.

A total 9 editions of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT are available. The latest edition of is written by Arun Sharma with Meenakshi Upadhyay's is one of the bestselling books. The book focuses on how to conquer the CAT and other MBA entrance exams Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension areas.

The book include mock test, Tips & Tricks for resolving grammar-related phrase correction questions, answer key and explanations to the most recent questions from the XAT exams and previous years question papers with solutions are also included.

  • Data Interpretation

The name of the book is "How to Prepare For DATA INTERPRETATION For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests on Pull Marks) | 7th Edition" - By Arun Sharma.

A total of 7 editions of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT are available. The Data Interpretation for CAT Book has CAT Practice Tests on Pull Marks, is now available in the latest edition.

The book include 30 Mock Test Papers, throughout analysis and solutions of previous year CAT Papers. This book is designed for CAT and MBA exam candidates who aspire to achieve in the Data Interpretation part of the major management entrance exams.

  • Logical Reasoning

The name of the book is "How to Prepare For LOGICAL REASONING For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests on Pull Marks) | 6th Edition" - By Arun Sharma.

A total of 6 editions of Logical Reasoning for CAT are available. This book has CAT Practice Tests on Pull Marks, is now available in the latest edition.

The 6th edition of Logical Reasoning was designed to be compatible with the latest CAT examination trend and pattern. The book includes mock test based on new pattern, answers to most exercises and questions are written with the new approach of the 'Reaction Tracker,' which explains exactly how to crack an LR question.

What is the latest edition of Arun Sharma CAT books?

  • How To Prepare For Logical Reasoning For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) | 6th Edition
  • How To Prepare For Data Interpretation For CAT(With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) | 7th Edition
  • How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For CAT (With CAT Practice Tests On Pull Marks) | 9th Edition
  • How To Prepare For Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension For CAT | 10th Edition

Other than these books there is one "Chapter-Wise Solved Previous Years' Papers for CAT By Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay".

This book was co-authored by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay. This book contains a collection of CAT-solved papers from 1999 to 2008, as well as from 2017 onwards. It is available on Amazon and Flipkart.

Advantages of using Arun Sharma books for CAT preparation

If you are a beginner, Arun Sharma's books may be very helpful to you.

  1. The chapters in Arun Sharma's books for CAT are categorized into three difficulty levels. The author has kept these levels considering the different types of students preparing for the exam. The levels are divided in the form of weak knowledge, average knowledge, and strong knowledge.
  2. The author has tried to explain all the fundamental tricks, concepts, and formulas pretty well. Knowing about the basic concepts is very important in CAT, so students can get great help from the material.
  3. Arun Sharma's books are easy to absorb and are written in a way that is simple to understand. Each problem is explained with a step-wise solution so that the students can advance their knowledge and preparation level.
  4. There are questions with answer keys as per the difficulty level at the end of each chapter. Students can utilize these sections for practice.
  5. There are additional exercises with some chapters to help the students grasp vital concepts and get clarity on solving problems. Therefore, students can practice probable questions very well.
  6. Considering the previous exams, it has been noticed that 10-20% of the questions in CAT are sourced from Arun Sharma’s books. Students can also use his educational resources in their MAT preparation.
  • Arun Sharma books in DILR preparation

We recommend “How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning” and “How to Prepare for Data Interpretation” by Arun Sharma for studying this section. These books are very simple to understand and the students can make their preparation stronger with the DILR questions given.

Test papers according to the latest syllabus are also given by Arun Sharma. The ten-minute test session helps students to handle extreme exam conditions and gives them the confidence to perform under pressure. The books also cover shortcuts and tricks to help students minimize time on lengthy problems.

  • Arun Sharma books in VARC preparation

If you are looking for the best book for VARC preparation in CAT, Meenakshi Upadhyay’s and Arun Sharma’s CAT VARC preparation book is the right choice. The explanation of the concepts is excellent and the aspirants can enhance their conceptual clarity.

There are sample papers, along with their solutions and the best reading comprehension passages with solutions and in-depth explanations.

  • Arun Sharma books in QA preparation

"How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT & Other Management Examinations" is the most recommended book that has garnered a lot of positive reviews for teachers as well as students. The book has a detailed explanation of each topic and subtopic.

Rather than the chapter-wise approach, the book is segregated in a block-wise approach which helps students to manage their studies. Students can get hold of lengthy sections quickly and ace the QA section.

Even if you are someone not having a mathematical background, you will be able to prepare well for the exam with the book.

How to prepare with Arun Sharma CAT books if one is self-studying?

Arun Sharma's books are divided into three sections according to the level of difficulty- easy, average, and difficult. The LOD 1 section is designed for students so they can understand the fundamental concepts and ways to apply logical thinking to questions.

In LOD 2, there are basically two variable questions and logic has to be combined from both the question types to get the solution. Whereas, LOD 3 includes logic-driven and time-intensive questions.

Students must practice LOD 1 and 2 questions more. But it is important to get your hands on all sections. Also, do not depend only on Arun Sharma's books and source some other material online as well.

Is Arun Sharma best book for CAT?

Yes, Arun Sharma's CAT preparation books are best for CAT entrance Exam. It is written in comprehensible language with advanced explanations, making them ideal for CAT preparation. His books include topic-based quizzes and practice tests. It also includes more mock test papers, which assist in the best preparation for acceptance to the best B-schools and to the IIMs (Indian Institutes of Management) also. 

Is Arun Sharma's book enough for CAT preparation?

No, Arun Sharma's book is not enough for CAT preparation. For effective preparation, students will still need to refer to other books for improved outcomes. Because experts and students highly recognize it. Arun Sharma's books will help you properly prepare for the CAT exam.

Which is better, Arun Sharma or TIME material?

Arun Sharma and TIME CAT coaching institute offer Study materials for CAT and other Management entrance exams.

Arun Sharma offers the best coaching for MBA entrance exams and CAT exam preparation books. Arun Sharma CAT preparation material helps aspirants achieve good entrance exam scores. 

TIME is the coaching institute for CAT and other MBA entrance exams. TIME offers its own study materials for CAT preparation.