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CAT 2019 Strategy Decoded – The SEVEN Gems!

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CAT 2019 Strategy Decoded

CAT 2019 is undoubtedly the mother of all exams. While moms may be simple and sweet, CAT 2019 doesn’t fall in that league. It is one of the most popular and difficult management entrance exams, and undoubtedly every MBA aspirants dream. Read more about the CAT 2019 exam pattern and CAT 2019 Syllabus here. With just five months to CAT 2019 here is the complete strategy to crack CAT 2019 decoded for you – the SEVEN gems!

The SEVEN GEMS you need to focus on while preparing for CAT 2019 are:

  1. Topics
  2. Time
  3. Speed
  4. Accuracy
  5. Attempts
  6. Scores
  7. Percentile

MBA Rendezvous helps you understand the importance of each GEM – individually and with respect to one another.

  1. Topics V/S Time

    1. It is imperative to focus on each TOPIC individually under each section – VARC, DILR, and QA.
    2. Make sure you study topics from each subject daily.
    3. Set weekly goals and track your topic coverage.
    4. It doesn’t matter how many hours you spend during the day. What matters is how many topics or percentage of a topic you have completed and mastered.
  1. Time V/S Speed

    1. It is crucial you manage your time while preparing for CAT 2019 and while attempting questions in each section.
    2. CAT 2019 has a sectional time limit of 60 minutes for each of the three sections – VARC (34), DILR (32) and QA (34).
    3. Indulge in timed mocks – sectional and full – to help you manage your time during the CAT 2019 exam.
    4. Try to allocate the number of hours you will study daily and all the topics you will cover in a fix period.
  1. Speed V/S Accuracy

    1. Speed is of the essence when you attempt the CAT 2019 exam – mocks and final exam.
    2. Try to crack shortcuts for calculations which will help you speed up in QA and DI sections.
    3. Read a variety of material to increase your reading speed. This will help you in RC and LR sections.
    4. Solve specific questions and time yourself. This will help you to work on your speed.
  1. Accuracy V/S Attempts

    1. Accuracy is the state of being correct or precise and free from error.
    2. You must be accurate in choosing the questions while attempting and while solving them.
    3. CAT 2019 emphasizes on accuracy in the questions you attempt. Since there is negative marking, there is no point attempting all questions with less accuracy.
    4. Accuracy will help you gain or lose percentiles in the CAT exam.
  1. Attempts V/S Score

    1. Attempt only the questions you are sure of 100 percent.
    2. While writing mock tests, try to attempt and solve the same question with different approaches, and devise a strategy.
    3. Accuracy of your attempts should be between 85 to 100 percent.
    4. Attempting all or a high number of questions does not imply you will get a highs score since you need to keep the negative marking into account.
  1. Score V/S Percentile

    1. Initially focus on the raw score when you write a mock test.
    2. Make sure you attempt wisely, solve accurately, and manage time effectively while answering a question.
    3. Set sectional and overall score targets, and your percentile will automatically fall in place.
    4. Here is a table showing the score v/s percentile based on previous year CAT papers:

Overall Score


















It is critical to understand that all the above – topics, time, speed, accuracy, attempts, score and percentile – are intertwined and inter-relatable. You must master the topics, time, attempts and speed with accuracy and your score and percentile will automatically fall in place. All the best!

Stay informed, Stay ahead and stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous  
