Avinash Pant discusses Branding and Marketing at MICA

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Published : Monday, 16 January, 2017 10:30 AM

Red Bull India Marketing Director Avinash Pant Discusses Branding and Marketing at MICA

On Friday, MICA’s student run committee MICA Leadership Series hosted Mr. Avinash Pant, Director, Marketing, Red Bull India. Mr. Pant educated the students on the marketing and branding, bringing in examples from the industry to illustrate the same.

Mr. Pant emphasized the importance of understanding your consumer, and thus, making a conscious decision on what you don’t want to do. He urges the students to create a brand that inspires consumers. “Think influencer, not endorsement”, says Pant.


He further deliberated that the times are ever evolving. A good brand is not one that consumers put on a pedestal, but rather one that finds its greatness and makes it count, he shares.

He emphasized the importance of having a sense of humour, and connecting with the audience. Sharing the ideology that drives Red Bull’s marketing, he says, “Have the guts to go that far. You will see a lot of brand keys and brand onions and what not – but as the custodians of a brand, you need to not be boring.”


Mr. Pant ended by urging the students to always remember to keep it real, and as future brand managers, never lose touch with the actual real world, following which, he was presented with a portrait as a token of MICA’s appreciation by Ms. Preeti Shroff, Dean, MICA.

MICA Leadership Series (MLS), a student driven committee proactively works towards building industry conduit by having leaders across diverse fields to deliver a guest lecture to the student body at MICA. MLS aims at bringing a balance between academic pursuit and thought- provoking perspective from the industry so that students are able to foster a holistic approach towards learning as well as decision making.

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