Published : Friday, 20 January, 2017 11:30 AM
XLRI to Host ‘International Conference on Responsible Marketing’
Socially responsible marketing is critical of excessive consumerism and environmental damages caused by corporations. It is based on the idea that market offerings must not be only profit-driven, but they must also reinforce social and ethical values for the benefit of citizens, including those in the bottom of the pyramid.
Responsible Marketing also means that these values are communicated and enforced by everyone in the organization. While, marketers who are pursuing a socially responsible agenda understand that such efforts do not automatically translate into increased revenue or even an improved public image, research and experience suggest that organizations that consistently exhibit socially responsible tendencies may eventually gain a strong reputation that could pay dividends in the form of increased customer loyalty.
It is in this context that the Centre for Global Management and Responsible Leadership at XLRI, Jamshedpur in collaboration with La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia is organizing the ‘International Conference on Responsible Marketing’ from January 23-24, 2017 to consolidate research in this area and develop a framework for Responsible Marketing.
“We are happy to inform that we received 43 papers from researchers from across the country as well as USA, Canada, Australia and South Asian countries,” said Dr. Pingali Venugopal, Coordinator, Centre for Global Management and Responsible Leadership at XLRI.
The themes of the conference include:
Responsible Marketing Conceptual Foundations, Ethical and Legal issues, Consumer insights, Entrepreneurial experiences, organizational issues, Cause Related Marketing and Sectorial Applications.
Mr. Anand Sen, President, Tata Steel is to be the Chief Guest and deliver the Inaugural address.
Another highlight of the conference would be launching of XLRI e-waste policy by Mr. Anand Sen and Fr. Abraham, Director XLRI.
This e-waste policy has been developed by XLRI as an offshoot of the Conference on e-waste Management organized by the Centre for Global Management and Responsible Leadership, XLRI in January 2016. XLRI has tied up with JUSCO to dispose its e-waste in an environmentally friendly manner. After the launch of the e-waste policy, X-Lead and Sigma the student bodies who would be spear heading the e-waste collection and disposal drive in XLRI would hand over some e-waste to JUSCO as a symbolic beginning of the collection drive.
A pre-conference two day faculty development workshop on Responsible Marketing was also held to help faculty develop cases on responsible marketing. The workshop was attended by around 12 faculty members.