Published : Friday, 22 August, 2014 02:57 PM
Kartavya, the CSR Club of Indian Institute of Management Raipur conducted ‘Pratigya - The Oath Taking ceremony’. The event was conducted for PGP 2014-16 and FPM 2014 students of the college and the theme of the event was to inculcate good work ethics in the future managers of the country.
The event ‘Pratigya’ started with a small speech motivated the students to take inspiration from the national heroes and vow to be ethical. After the speech, students took an oath to adhere to honest behaviour and ethics in their personal as well as professional life.
Then students lighted 130 diyas, which represented the dedication and arranged the diyas in the form of “IIM Raipur”. With the vibrant colours of rangoli and the purity of lighted diyas, the Pratigya ceremony was a deep insight to the duty and responsibility to the budding managers. Each manager owes responsibility towards family, friends, colleagues, industry and to the mother Earth. This auspicious ceremony was undertaken with utmost sincerity by all the students. The atmosphere was extremely electric with quotients of high integrity and morality. The later part of the ceremony included lighting of “Wishing lights” which added a flavour of joy and cheerfulness to this whole affair. With each wishing light in the sky, each student wished for success, happiness and prosperity in future and promised to contribute towards the betterment of the society .Thus, the event imbibed a sense of responsibility in the managers towards themselves & society.
A man’s actions and decisions are the reflections of ethics or moral values imbibed in them. These moral values hold high regard for a manager in the corporate world. They reflect the way managers deal with their professional as well as personal life.Business needs to be truly acting in a way which goes beyond purely profit-based motivations, towards a model which works for everyone - what we call the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Profit. This event conducted by Kartavyawas an initiative to position the idea ‘business morality and ethic must permeate an organisation from top to bottom and embrace all stakeholders’in to the minds of our budding managers.These values do not hold only importance in white collar jobs but also in each and every individual’s life. Often we see people running behind materialistic possessions in life but it is definitely not that which makes us happy. Doing something good for someone gives us the purest form of happiness. It is not that the influence of environment or the society which makes us what we are but it is the soul, intrinsic values which make us what we are – the persona.
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