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CAT Topper Story: Sam Wesley's Journey to Excellence

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Your Name

Sam Wesley

Academic Profile (College & Course)

St.Joseph’s College of Engineering (Chennai) & B.E (ECE)

Work Experience (If any)

2.5 Years @ TCS

CAT Exam taken in Year


Your CAT Percentile


Your CAT Sectional Percentile

VARC – 98.95 Quants – 91.66 DLRI – 87.56

Other Entrance Exams taken & Percentile

XAT – 92 IIFT - 92

Personal Interview Calls Received

MDI, SpJain,  All new and Baby IIMS

Final Admission/Converted

MDI, All new and Baby IIMS except Udaipur and Rhotak

Overview of your Family

Working class parents

Your Home Town

Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu

Your Hobbies & Interests

Football and Writing

Your Email & Mobile No

samwesleytitus@gmail.com & 9487622499

Q: What was your overall preparation strategy for CAT?

A: My strategy was making sure I add something to my preparation,however small the portion I cover may be, every day. My mentor Arun Sharma sir at Mindworkzz always used to say cat is about ingrain the reaction in your brain or how you react to a situation and to achieve this I made sure to be consistent with my preparation on a daily basis. To put it simply, even in days when I was tired or lacked the motivation for preparation , I made sure to solve at least 5 problems in quants / 2-3 paras in varc / 2 sets of DILR.

Mindworkzz helpline number - 9595806833

Q: Please share your sectional preparation strategy for CAT? How did you prepare for VARC?

A: For VARC, I first made sure my reading speed was upto the expected level of a CAT passage. For this I used to read long articles given as part of our daily readings at Mindworkzz. As far as parajumbles are concerned, worked out a lot of sets to be familiar with the concept.

Q: How did you prepare for DILR?

A: For Logical Reasoning sets, We were taught to make sure to break the problem into smaller fragments and solve them. This approach was something that helped me a lot in cracking the complicated sets of the section. For data interpretation, the first thing I did was to understand  the basic math part involved and made sure to solve a lot of sets for both DI and LR.

Q: How did you prepare for QA?

A: For QA had three rounds of preparation. I followed the quants book by Arun Sharma sir and the different Level of Difficulties approach. In my first round of preparation solved LOD 1 and 2 ; LOD 3 in my second round and problems which were unsolved in the first two rounds, I tried to solve them in my third round of preparation.

Q: Was there any particular section/area that you were weak at? How did you overcome this challenge?

A: Quants was the area which I was at weak at or I was scared the most, because in my CAT 2021 attempt , scored negative marks in quants section and had a percentile of around 17. To overcome this , as I stated earlier made myself go through three rounds of preparation, which helped me to react to different questions in a better way and hence come out on top.

Q: What role did Mocks play in your success? How many mocks did you attempt before the exam?

A: I took about 25 mocks and they definitely played a vital role in my success. The mocks helped me to get a better hold of time frame and also helped me get familiarised with the exam interface and thereby helping me get rid of exam blues.

Q: Did you self-prepare for CAT Exam or did you attend a Coaching Centre and why?

A: I was part of Mindworkzz coaching centre.  In my point of view a coaching centre definitely helps in making the preparation whole or adds another layer to preparation.

Q: Which books did you refer during your preparation and how effective were they?

A: I know there are plethora of books out there.  But I made sure I don’t want to be overwhelmed by the study resources and made sure to stick to a single author’s books. I followed Arun Sharma sir’s and Meenakshi mam’s book for all three sections and they were pretty effective as they covered all the basic concepts and had enough problems to practice .

Q: Please share your strategy for the CAT Day. What was your last-minute preparation? How did you plan your CAT test taking?

A: My last minute preparation involved covering different formulae and concepts of the quants part as it was my weakest area. And on the CAT day I made sure to not think about the result, which definitely eased my stress and also I recalled the hard work I’ve put into this which gave me a extra boost of confidence.

Q: How did you prepare for GD/PI/WAT Rounds?

A: Covered the General Awareness/ current affairs part with the help of Mindworkzz gk session videos. Mindworkzz also helped me with mock interviews which made me get familiarised with the situation I might encounter on my Interview day.

Q: What are your top three criteria for deciding which B-school to apply or take final admission?

A: 1. Curriculum 2 Alumni Network/ Location 3 . Placements

Q: According to you, overall, how can B-schools make their MBA admission process less cumbersome for MBA applicants. 

A: To be honest , I was lucky to have most of my interviews in online mode. If it were to be in offline mode it would have been difficult for a working professional like me to get leaves sorted out to attend the interviews. My only suggestion would be to stick to online mode of interviews.

Q: Finally, your message and tips for candidates preparing for CAT 2024

A: It is the process(preparation )that is going to equip you. Be consistent with your preparation and practice more.

Connect with Mindworkzz @ 9595806833

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