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CMAT 2024 Exam Date Admit Card, Login, Syllabus, Pattern

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Entrance Exams

Information on CMAT Exam

The CMAT score is accepted by all AICTE- Approved Institutions / University Departments / Constituent Colleges /Affiliated Colleges.

CMAT-2025 will be conducted by NTA as three hour entrance examination in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode to evaluate the candidates’ ability across various segments like Quantitative Technique, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension and General Awareness, for admission to the Management Courses in the Academic Session 2025-26. The participating Institutes of CMAT-2025 are the Institutions which will be accepting the CMAT Score.

Candidates must apply separately to the desired CMAT-2025 participating Institutions with the CMAT Score 2025. Thereafter, each participating Institution will release their respective cut off CMAT Scores which a candidate should meet to get qualified for admission to that particular Institution. Once qualified, the candidate will have to comply with the selection procedure of that particular Institution, which may comprise of Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI). The final selection of the candidate will be based on the candidate’s performance in GD & PI.

CMAT Syllabus 2025: Download Free PDF of Latest CMAT Syllabus

NTA will conduct CMAT 2025 exam for admission to the colleges that offer MBA and PGDM programs. The CMAT 2025 exam is a three-hour computer based online test. The exam for CMAT 2025 conducted in two sessions – Morning and Evening. CMAT 2025 exam permits B-schools to screen candidates that best suit their prerequisites.


CMAT Exam 2019, Syllabus CMAT Pdf

The exam pattern of CMAT 2025 is such that it tests an applicant's ability across various segments like Quantitative Technique, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehensionand General Awareness. and Innovation and Entrepreneurship section(optional).  The CMAT 2025 result and  CMAT score is accepted by all AICTE- Approved Institutions / University Departments / Constituent Colleges /Affiliated Colleges.


CMAT 2025 Important Dates



Online submission of CMAT 2025 application form

14 November 2024 to 13 December 2024
(up to 09.50 PM)

Last date of submission of application fee

14 December 2024(up to 11.50 PM)

Let us also take you through the details of the Best CAT Coaching Institutes.

CMAT 2025 Eligibility

  • The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline. Candidates appearing for the final year of Bachelor’s Degree, whose result will be declared before commencement of admission for academic year 2025-26, can also apply for CMAT- 2025.
  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • There is no age restriction for appearing in CMAT – 2025.

CMAT Exam Registration 

Pre-essentials before beginning Registration for CMAT-2025: We recommend you to prepare before beginning the CMAT registration process:

  1. Computer with good Internet connection.
  2. Qualification details as candidates need to enter them while enlisting for CMAT exam.
  3. Keep a scanned copy of colored passport size photograph. It should be clear photo taken on a white background. The size of this photo should be between 10 kb to 200 kb.
  4. Keep a scanned copy of signature with blue or black pen. The size should be less than 30 kb
  5. A Valid e-mail id which the candidates will be using at least for the next 6 months. All communication will be done on this e-mail id which candidates will enter while registering for CMAT exam.
  6. A Valid mobile number as all information via SMS will be sent to this number.
  7. A valid Credit / Debit card in case candidates want to pay ONLINE.

The following steps are for registering for CMAT 2025:

  1. Go to https://cmat.nta.nic.in/ and click on ‘Fill Application form’
  2. Fill the Online Application Form
  3. Upload your scanned photo & signature
  4. Pay the examination fee using –
    1. Debit/Credit Card
    2. Net Banking/UPI/ E-wallet of various service providers through SBIMOPS
  5. Download the confirmation page.
Bonus : Download Tips for Cracking CMAT Exam

CMAT 2025 Exam Registration Fees

Fee payable for CMAT – 2025 (through Credit Card /Debit Card (except Master/Visa Card) / Net-Banking/UPI)

General (UR) Male- ₹ 2500/- Female- ₹ 1250/-
Gen-EWS/ SC/ST/PwD /OBC-(NCL) Male- ₹ 1000/- Female- ₹ 1000/-
Third gender ₹ 1250/-

Applicable Service/Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate
Read More*Bank Charges will be applied separately and the application fee is non - refundable

CMAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern

CMAT 2025 Exam Pattern

The CMAT 2025 exam pattern has 100 questions and there is negative marking of -1 mark for every incorrect answer. The detailed CMAT 2025 exam pattern is:

CMAT 2025 Exam Sections

Number of Questions

Maximum Marks Section-wise


Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation  




Logical Reasoning




Language Comprehension




General Awareness




Innovation & Entrepreneurship






CMAT 2025 Exam Syllabus

The CMAT 2025 exam is Computer-based online entrance exam. The CMAT 2025 time duration is of 3 hours. 

The syllabus can be divided into four parts

  1. Quantitative Technique & Data Interpretation
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Language Comprehension
  4. General Awareness.
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Optional)

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CMAT 2025 Marking Scheme

Marking Scheme for CMAT

  1. Each question carries 04 (four) marks.
  2. For each correct response, candidate will get 04 (four) marks.
  3. For each incorrect response, 01 (one) mark will be deducted from the total score.
  4.  Un-answered/un-attempted will be given no marks.

CMAT 2025 Admit Card

The e-Admit card for CMAT 2025 exam released on the official website.Those who have paid the CMAT 2025 registration fee can download their CMAT 2025 e-admit card. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Go to the official website https://ntacmat.nic.in
  2. Click on the tab “Download Admit Card”
  3. Enter your Application No, Password, Security Pin
  4. Click on Sign In
  5. View, download and print your admit card
  6. In case you have any issues please call the helpline numbers at 7042399521, 7042399525, 7042399526

Please Note: The candidates will not be sending a hard copy of the CMAT 2025 admit card. Candidates are advised to download and print a copy or two of the same.


CMAT 2019 Analysis

CMAT 2019 is national level exam which was held on 28th January 2019 in about 75 test centres across the country. The exam got over at 12:30 pm soon after the exam the question paper was known and with the expert analysis, the report was out that the exam was moderate to difficult, with lengthy Data Interpretation and tricky logical reasoning. The general knowledge section was difficult.

CMAT 2019 question paper was divided into four sections having 25 questions each. Here’s how what is being said about the difficulty level of each of these sections:

Section Questions Difficulty Level
Data Interpretation 25 Moderate to difficult
Logical Reasoning 25 Moderate to difficult
Language Comprehension 25 Moderate
General Awareness 25 Moderate

Each question carried four marks and there was negative marking of -1. The candidates were supposed to complete solving all the questions in 3 hours.

Sectional Analysis for CMAT 2019

Quantitative Technique and Data Interpretation

This section consisted of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Number System, PnC, Modern Math and Mensuration, this section consist of 25 question in which some question were difficult and DI questions were low as always

Logical Reasoning

This section had 25 questions, which were easy to moderate, with few tricky questions. The questions were on Arrangements, Groups, Blood Relations, Statements, etc.

Language Comprehension

Language Comprehension also had 25 questions, the section was easy to moderate with more vocabulary related questions. There were four RC passages with 15 questions.

General Awareness

This section had 25 questions from current affairs, static GK and other conventional topic.

12-14 questions attempted with 85% accuracy could fetch 94% in this section.

Information on CMAT Exam

For the Academic Year 2024, The test is conducted on January 25th 2025.

All aspiring candidates desirous of appearing for CMAT Test for taking admissions to postgraduate programmes in management should apply for CMAT 2025. The candidates will have an option of selecting date and city for appearing in the test.

CMAT Accepting Institutes

The CMAT score is accepted by all AICTE- Approved Institutions / University Departments / Constituent Colleges /Affiliated Colleges.

After a candidate qualifies with his/her CMAT 2025 score, they will have to go through a group discussion (GD) and personal interview (PI) round. The final selection will be based on the performance of the candidate in all the rounds.

Some of the Management Institutes accepting CMAT score are:

  • Goa Institute of Management, Goa
  • K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai
  • Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur
  • Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad
  • GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Greater Noida
  • LM Thapar School of Management, Mohali
  • Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar
  • Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida
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As per the latest CMAT exam pattern, the exam will be online based with a time period of 3 hours.

Q. What is the difference between CAT and CMAT?

A. The difference between CAT and CMAT are as follows:

  • CAT exam is conducted by Indian Institute of Management while the CMAT exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency.
  • The IIMs shortlist the candidates on the basis of their sectional scores and on the other hand in CMAT exam no candidate is disqualified on the basis of their sectional scores.
  • Top B-Schools accept only CAT scores and not CMAT scores.

Q. Does CMAT have GK?

A. GK is an important section of the CMAT exam. Students have to cover all the national and international topics and they can avoid this section.

Q. Is there sectional time limit in CMAT?

A. No. there is no sectional time limit in CMAT Exam.

Q. How many times is CMAT conducted in a year?

A. CMAT is usually conducted once a year between April - May.

Q. Is there any negative marking in CMAT?

A. Yes, each incorrect answer will carry a penalty of 1 mark

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