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Opportunities knock once only

Opportunities knock once only

Opportunities knock once only

Post MBA exam results, MBA aspirants will be tested in Essay writing and in absence of any fixed format it is essential for you to read variety of topics so that you should feel confident. Idea is to develop thinking process. Today you will read Essay Topic:

"Opportunities knock once only"
A great man once said, “Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell”. It is true that opportunities don’t come to us every day. After working hard, we may be entitled to an opportunity. But one has to be aware of opportunities that may come his/her way. Today, many people are too involved in their own work that they miss many opportunities.
Opportunities may come in various forms – in the form of a scholarship, a raise in the salary, promotion at work, and a chance to spend quality time with family and friends. So, it is important to keep one’s eyes and ears open so that these opportunities don’t slip by. Once these opportunities slip through our fingers, it may take a long time before they come knocking on our doors again.
For example, if there is a possibility of a promotion at work, and if one chooses to ignore this call, this opportunity will automatically go to another person. So, apart from working hard, one has to work smartly too. Often, we get carried away by temptations that keep lingering around us. Temptations tend to distract us. Often, we get distracted by short-term goals that we lose track of long-term goals. This leads us astray and prevents us from reaching the peak of success.
It is true that even though an opportunity may knock at your door, you have to get up and open the door. You have to put in your share of hard work instead of waiting endlessly for opportunities. Only when people are confident of your abilities, they will send opportunities your way. So, even if opportunities do knock on your door, it is important to stay humble and continue working hard and stay determined. 
We continuously come face to face with great opportunities that are brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems. Once we solve these problems, doors with opportunities automatically get unlocked. Only when we are able to prove to people around us that we are capable of making the most of an opportunity, we will be on the path of success. 
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