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Essay Topic : Replacing negative with positive thoughts will yield success

Essay Topic : Replacing negative with positive thoughts will yield success

speech on positive and negative thinking Essay Topic
MBA aspirants may be asked to write essay before GD & PI. Today, you will read Essay on:  
"Replacing negative with positive thoughts will yield success"
Are successful men more intelligent that those who struggle for success? No. Intelligence is an important element, no doubt, but there are other elements of success, including hard work and positive thinking. Studies have shown that people with positive thoughts go further in life than those with negative thoughts. People who think positively have confidence in themselves. 
They are optimistic and have faith that they can reach their goals, overcoming numerous obstacles that may come their way. On the other hand, those who are pessimistic have no confidence in their abilities, and are afraid of failures. This prohibits them from moving forward in life, resulting in their downfall.
Positive thinking evokes more energy, leading to determination and hard work, which ultimately is translated to success. So, how can one replace negative thinking with positive thinking? Joseph Sugarman, an entrepreneur and a marketing innovator, once said, “Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it dwarfs the problem. 
The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity”. Similarly, one should view a problem as an opportunity to put one’s talent to work. One should not be disheartened by obstacles. Instead, he should take it as a challenge to reach his goal. Optimistic people are always focused on the goal and not distracted by obstacles that may come their way.
The journey to success begins with positive thinking. Napoleon Hill, an American author, said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. So, think of victory and believe in yourself, and it will not be long before success comes knocking on your door. It is important to eliminate fear and pessimism, because it will only drag you down. Positive thinking gives positive energy, which propels and fuels an individual in the right direction.
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