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Are we not country proud Indians ?

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Are we not country proud Indians ?
Post MBA exam results, Group Discussion will be crucial for MBA admission so it is advised to read and practice with variety of topics. In following GD topic you will be getting some points with divergent views which you can pick up and develop.  Today, you will read GD topic:  
"Are we  not country proud Indians ?"
It is not true that Indians are not proud of their country. Just like other countries, India has both positive and negative sides. For some people, the positive elements are so strong that negative elements don’t seem to affect them. 
These are the people who love India. However, some people only focus on negative aspects of India such as corruption, pollution, lack of hygiene and poor infrastructure that they never feel any love for the country. And these are the people who are not proud to be Indians. 
India is a beautiful country, with many opportunities. There are many people who choose not to leave India because it has so much to offer. There are many people who are proud to be Indians because India has contributed immensely to the world. 
According to Albert Einstein, the world owes a lot to India because Indians taught the world to count, without which no scientific discovery could have been made.
And Mark Twain once said, “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition”.
 How can a country laden with a wealth of knowledge have citizens who are ashamed to be called ‘Indians’? This is because of the way the country has evolved over centuries. Although a lot of discoveries were made in India in the past, we did not preserve them properly. This led to the exploitation of the country and its downfall ever since. 
Today, we have very few things to be proud of. Some people are proud to be Indians because of the rich cultural heritage of the country. And others are proud of the job security, which is not present in many developed countries. However, apart from these areas, Indians really do not have anything else to be proud of. 
Living in India is not a piece of cake because of the corrupt government, which fails to look into the welfare of the country. This is why there are more than 25 million Indians are living outside India. Why would people move out of the India if they were proud of their country? 
Indians have always been proud of ancient India, which gave countless number of things to the world. However, modern India has not contributed significantly to the world. Although there are some people in India who are proud to be Indians for cultural or economic reasons, many are not. 
Dissatisfaction is evident among many middle class families, who are slowly making their way permanently to greener pastures. If the government is keen on retaining its citizens, it has to provide happiness by coming up with policies that benefit the people. Only when there is something to be happy about, can we be called country proud Indians.