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Peer pressure can make or mar your future

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GD Topic

After having cleared cutoff percentile at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and now it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics.
Read and develop points for discussion on GD Burning topic:  : Peer pressure can make or mar your future


Time-30 minutes

There are two kinds of pressures which work on an individual- one imposed by the individual on himself/ herself, the other imposed by others on the individual. Though living life under pressure is in itself a bad thing to do, pressure can drive an individual to success, if the individual has the ability to convert the pressure into motivation.

A. Peer pressure can be defined as influence exerted on an individual by people with similar interests, age, backgrounds and social status as the individual. The individual is encouraged to change his/ her attitudes, values or behaviours to be able to belong or fit in a particular group.

B. An individual is, very often, plagued by a desire to fit into a social group. For instance, a college student might develop a desireto be a part of the most popular group in the college. This desire begins to shape his/ her attitude and he/ she begins to do things which he/ she may otherwise not want to do. This is nothing but peer pressure.

C. Peer pressure can be dangerous and negatively impact one's life and future. Making life choices, influenced by the peers may lead to an uncomfortable situation later. This is because the context of each individual is different from the other. For instance, in a peer group in a class, a rich student may be able to afford an expensive watch whereas a middle class or poor student may not. This creates an uneasy feeling of resentment in the students who cannot afford it, and such students might develop an inferiority complex or begin to hate their parents for not being able to provide luxury to them. Also, an individual might be compelled to do things against his/ her wishes

D. It is fair to say that people, who are insecure, not confident about themselves, feel left out, depend on social approval for their existence, have low self- esteem are more likely to succumb to peer pressure and indulge in activities dictated by the peer group, all in an attempt to be 'incorporated' into that particular peer group.

E. Peer pressure can also have a positive impact on an individual. It could motivate the individual to put in extra effort and work hard to be a part of a peer group. Comparison with peers can improve an individual's performance. As man is a social being, it is common for an individual to feel a sense of competition with the others. The aim of outperforming others and being better than others can be a driving force for the individual.

Pros- Peer pressure can make your future. There is no harm in acknowledging and taking inspiration from your peers and use this to improve your performance. The feeling that, if one of your peers has achieved something, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to achieve the same, can be a big morale booster.

Cons- Peer pressure can mar your future. If your actions are blindly guided by your peer group and your actions are driven by the desire to fit into a peer group, you end up in a desperate situation.

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