After having cleared cutoff percentile at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and now it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics.
Read and develop points for discussion for GD Topic: Tips on taking lead in GD
The Group Discussion (GD) Round is designed to test the interpersonal skills of the candidates. For candidates seeking MBA admissions in prestigious institutions of the country, GD is a challenge they must face on their way to the last round, that is, PI. GD is supposed to be less formal than the interview and gives the space to candidates to exchange views with other candidates in their respective group. Since GD involves a group of shortlisted candidates, all vying for that elusive spot in PI, the only way in which you can make an impression is by speaking up and taking the lead in the discussion.
Take the lead
As GD has a set duration and there are a number of speakers, it is imperative that you take the lead and set the course of the discussion. Learn to be aggressive in your intent rather than movements and actions. The real purpose of GD is to check how a candidate responds to situations that are not too comfortable and how a candidate talks to strangers and conducts himself.
Speak up
GD is a platform for you to express your views, and for this, you have to speak up. If you are an introvert, or hesitate to speak in front of other candidates who are strangers to you, then the loss will be yours. If the moderators or judges of GD don’t hear you speak, they will not be able to consider your name for the next round. Also, remember that there is going to be cut throat competition and many candidates shall be competing for the same position. So, expect everyone to be at their best. This should motivate you to prove yourself and make a mark.
Make an impression
Candidates should use GD to make an impression on the concerned authorities, so that they can take these impressions with them when they interview you in the final round. Creating an impression does not mean that you scream to make yourself heard. All that is required is depth in your argument, fluency in language, confident posture and good listening skills.
Be alert
Candidates should be alert and aware in GD. They also need to possess good listening skills. GD is a test of their interpersonal skills. The candidates will be able to speak well only when they listen well. Sometimes, the group may have more than 8 candidates, with each of them trying to outdo the other. Therefore, it is crucial for you to listen intently and to frame your views while listening, so that you are ready when your turn comes to speak. When the topic is thrown open for discussion, candidates should show sufficient restrain and not interrupt when someone is speaking as this is considered rude but should wait for the person to finish his point before starting.
Say the most important points
GD will be a timed round, with each candidate getting a few minutes to make their opening remarks on the given topic before the topic is thrown open for discussion. In the limited time that the candidate gets, he must speak the most important points in context of the given topic. The arguments that the candidate presents should make him stand out in the crowd and get noticed. They should reflect your understanding and engagement with the topic under discussion as well as show your knowledge.
Participate actively
Candidates should be willing to participate actively in the Group Discussion Round. Though everybody gets a chance to air his/her views, candidates who display enthusiasm, energy and intent to involve themselves actively in the discussion are bound to get noticed and be at an advantage.
Candidates should view GD as another opportunity to prove themselves and display the skills that will get them close to their preferred institute and in this, they should take the lead and speak confidently.
Read 176+ GD Topics
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