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How can GMP at SPJIMR get you a global tag?

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Publsihed: Monday, 06 February, 2017 11:00 AM

How can GMP at SPJIMR get you a global tag?

SP Jain Institute of Management and Research offers the Global Management Programme in collaboration with some of the best business schools of Europe. Launched in 2010, the programme is approved by the AICTE and AMBA, the UK based global accreditation agency. The programme provides an opportunity to students to acquire a global outlook towards business and be better equipped than their peers to handle the dynamic changes of the global business world, which is no more limited to a particular area only but covers the entire world.

The four schools that the students can opt from, include- . EBS, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany, IESEG School of Management, Paris, France, Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Breukelen, Netherlands, ESB, Reutlingen, Germany. The programme is so designed that the participant completes 6-8 months of studies in Mumbai, India and then, can opt for any one of the four European business schools to carry on with the MBA. Each of these schools provide a rigorous and an enriching experience to students, who get trained in an international curriculum and with students from all over the globe.

To do the GMP, a candidate should have a Bachelor’s Degree and a good GMAT/GRE/CAT/XAT score. A minimum of 2 years’ experience to join ESB and a minimum of 3 years of experience is required for admission in IESEG, NBU and EBS for the MBA programme. Freshers can apply for the Masters Programme. After an entrance examination and careful scrutiny of the profile and scores of students, the students are selected for interview and group discussion rounds.

As the aim of the GMP is to create global managers to meet the international aspirations, it allows ample scope to students to choose from electives and specializations offered by European Business Schools and gain an International MBA degree. This programme attaches an international tag to students, as not only do they follow an international curriculum but do so in different countries, which in itself, is an unparalleled experience added to their resumes.

The global tag accorded by this programme enables the participants to attract placement offers from reputed organisations from around the world. Some of the organisations in which the alumni get placements are World Bank (Washington DC), Amazon EU (Luxemborg), Barclays (London), Airbus Helicopters (Munich), ING (Amsterdam), Capillary Technologies (Singapore), Nissan Benelux (Antwerp) and others. Some of the positions held by the alumni include Project Consultant, Product Manager, Finance Controller, Chief Product Officer, International Manager and so on. The following chart depicts the spread of participants after the completion of the course:

The students also gain access to the internship and placement opportunities provided by the Career Cell of the four European Business Schools that are a part of this programme. This, further opens the doors of the world for these students. The structure of the programme itself makes the students who enrol in it, the preferred choices for global organisations over their competitors who do not possess such global training.

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