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Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, IIM Bangalore

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 IIM Bangalore
The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) was established in 1973 and inaugurated by former Prime Minister Late Smt. Indira Gandhi.  For more than three decades, IIM-B has exemplified excellence in management education.
From an emphasis on the public sector, to information technology to a focus on emerging economies, IIM-B has traversed many boundaries to develop its own expertise in management education and research.
Located in India’s high technology capital, IIMB is in close proximity to some of the leading corporate houses in the country, ranging from information technology to consumer product companies, giving it the added advantage of integrating classroom knowledge with practical experience. Country’s eminent industrialist Mukesh Ambani is the Chairperson and Prof. Pankaj Chandra holds the director position of IIM-B
IIM-B has world-class infrastructure that facilitates excellence in teaching, research, consulting and other professional activities. A 100-acre oasis in south Bangalore, the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, with its all-stone architecture, lush verdant woods and landscaped gardens provides an idyllic environment to engage in management studies, academics and learning. IIM-B’s classy infrastructure was the site for the shooting of bollywood’s most popular film ‘Three Idiots’
The IIM-B library is housed in a building of 55,000 square feet carpet area spread over four floors with more than 300 seating capacity. It serves 362 days of the year except on three National Holidays. Learning center comprehensive collection of literature predominantly related to management and its allied subjects to meet the information needs of its users. Most of the library's activities are computerized using "LlBSYS", an integrated library software package.
The library has a total collection of 2.20Lac documents (books, back volumes of journals, government publications, technical reports, conference proceedings, non-book materials etc.). The library has access to 72 e-resources and 254 e-books from Elsevier Science & Cambridge University press and subscribes to 720 print journals, 1200 e-journals, and 27 newspapers. Apart to from this more than 35,000 full text journal titles are available in the databases subscribed to by the library.
IIM-B is recognized for pioneering new types of courses and revising its curriculum frequently to keep pace with new trends worldwide in educational pedagogy. IIM-B offers following programmes :
• Post-Graduate Programme in Management (PGP)-The two-year PGDM is the flagship programme of IIM Bangalore. It is designed to equip students with the skills and capabilities that will enable them to reach responsible global positions in management.
• Post Graduate Programme in Software Enterprise Management (PGSEM)-Provides
the most current executive general management education to middle and senior professionals of the software and information technology industry who seek to pursue a career in management.
• Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy Management (PGPPM)- This course is packed with path breaking insights about winning policy making and management strategies. It offers participants global exposure through tie-up with Syracuse University, USA.
• Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP) is an intensive one year full time programme designed to enhance skills and capabilities essential for responsible positions at senior management levels. Objective of this programme is to produce future leaders who can handle the dynamic corporate environment.
• Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) is committed to training individuals who will excel in their area of research through publication quality work of international standard
• Executive Education Programme (EEP)-This programme is designed to cater the diverse needs of different types of organizations in the private and public sectors. IIM-B also offers many Fellow Programme in Management (FPM)
The N.S. Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (NSRCEL) at IIM-B also offers courses for entrepreneurs and owners of family businesses.
The NSRCEL offers a one-year course in Management Programme for Entrepreneurs and Family Businesses (MPEFB) and another specialized course, Management Programme for Women Entrepreneurs (MPWE).
Visit http : www.iimb.ernet.in/programmes for more details on IIM-B programmes
IIM-B’s mission is to “build leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative education.” All these programmes are very highly rated and relevant for each segment of the managerial hierarchy. That is why the IIM-B alumni successfully occupy senior managerial and academic positions across the globe.
IIM-B strives to achieve excellence through partnerships with industry, and leading academic institutions, the world over
IIM-B's Executive Education is aimed at broadening the outlook and strengthening the skills of practicing managers across the globe to prepare them for the changing roles changing world. Participants also obtain valuable insights from extensive interaction with their counterparts from other organizations on developments on management concepts and its applicability in the new global context
IIM-B Executive Education Programmes comprise:
• Open Programmes are anchored on faculty research and expertise across various disciplines of management and draw participants from different organisations. This consists of both short and long duration programmes
• Customized Programmes are designed to meet the specific needs of organizations
• International Programmes are offered for the benefit of global practicing managers, in collaboration with top international B-schools and universities.
For more details about IIM-B Recruitment, Executive programmes & Consulting visit  :
Apart from course work, students build their managerial skills and perspectives by conducting consulting assignments for local firms and interacting extensively with executives who speak at industry interaction forums and invitation seminars on campus.
IIM-B has partnered with Sloan, to design and conduct a program on Globalization, Technology and Management of Change, Wharton, to conduct a workshop on "Entrepreneurship and Globalization in India", Tech School at Dartmouth, University of Buckingham to develop Action Learning Programmes for the Growth of SME (Small-Medium Enterprise)
IIM-B has obtained EQUIS accreditation and has been awarded with ’5 Palmes’, given to the top 100 business schools. The purpose of the ‘Palmes’ is to compare objectively a school of a given country or continent to another one.
 Eduniversal Worldwide Business Schools Ranking 2010′, IIM-B was ranked 24th among the 100 best business schools worldwide.  As reported in media ranking was based on the voting of the 1,000 deans of the Best Business Schools from 153 countries and suggestions from members of the international scientific committee appointed by Eduniversal. 
Besides above, to know more about IIM- Bangalore visit : www.iimb.ernet.in 

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