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MAT 2024 Score Card and its Interpretation

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MAT Score Card 2024

MBA aspirants, who are going to appeared for MAT Exam on 2 June 2024 (Sunday) (PBT), 26 May 2024 (Sunday)(CBT- 1) and  June 2024(CBT- 2) should understand about the Score Card and Its Interpretation.

With effect from the MAT held in May 1997, MAT scores are being released to both the Management Institutes (MIs) and the candidates. These guidelines have thereafter been prepared to provide information about appropriate use of MAT – Score for those who interpret scores and set criteria for admission. The guidelines are based on many policy and test considerations.

The purpose of MAT is to provide information on a candidate’s aptitude and Skills to cope up with a Post Graduate Programme. It, therefore assists in making decision pertaining to admissions to Institutes/ Universities. MAT – Score is one of the sources of information and should be used, whenever possible, in combination with other information.

Bonus: Download Tips to Crack MAT Exam

What is so Special about MAT Score?

The primary asset of MAT Score is that it provides a common measure, administered under standard conditions, with known reliability and validity for evaluating the academic skills of many individuals.

MAT – Score has 2 important characteristics. First it is a reliable measure of certain developed skills that have been found to be important in the study of management at the graduate level. AIMA conducts studies to check the ability of MAT Score to predict academic success in the first year of study at the post graduate courses. Second, unlike graduation level marks, which vary in their meaning according to the marking standards of each college or university, MAT Score is based on the same standard for all candidates.

Specific Guidelines

  1. All the administrations of MAT closely measure similar abilities. However, each individual test necessarily asks different questions. This may make one MAT Test to be slightly more or less difficult than another. These slight differences are accounted for during the scaling process. As a result of these adjustments, equal scaled scores represent about the same level of ability, as measured by the test, regardless of the administration or when the test was taken.
  2. Each score- report contains six scores: Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Composite Score and Indian & Global Environment.
  3. Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency and Intelligence & Critical Reasoning are reported on scales ranging from 0 to 100. Scores below 20 or above 80 are rare.
  4. The Composite Score is reported on a scale ranging from 199 to 801, but extreme scores below 200 or above 800 are uncommon. These uncommon scores i.e., all below 200 are reported as 199 and all above 800 are reported as 801.
  5. Indian & Global Environment Score, a separate score is reported on a scale from 0 to 100. Again scores below 20 or above 80 are rare.
  6. The composite score is arrived at using the first four sections of the test only because these sections relate to specific skills that one acquires over a long period of time. Equal weightage is assigned to all these 4 sections.
  7. The score scales for the first four sections and the composite scores are based on the performance of applicants who took the test in 1996. They were defined in a way that a score of about 50 in a section and about 500 on composite scale represent the average performance of that group.
  8. For each of the six scores mentioned, a percentile below figure is also given. Each of these indicates the percentage of examinees who scored below the candidate based on the entire MAT testing population for the test. The percentile below figure may change marginally with each administration for the same scores. 
  9. MAT – Score is not be compared with scores on other tests. MAT – Score cannot be derived from scores on other tests. Differences if any among different administrations of MAT are compensated for by the statistical process of score equating, by design, however, MAT is not intended to be parallel to any other tests offered by other testing agencies.

Important Links for Preparation

Get Complete Study Material on MAT 2024

MAT 2024 Important Information

MAT 2024 - Strategize and Get High Scores

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