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"Navras: Unleash the emotions within" Theme of Tatva '14 Annual Festival held at LBSIM

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Navras: Unleash the emotions within
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi successfully concluded its two-day Annual Management, Technical and Cultural Festival ‘TATVA’. The theme for Tatva 2014 was “Navras: Unleash the emotions within.
Tatva’14 was inaugurated by Padmashri Geeta Chandran, the celebrated Indian classical dance exponent. The Presidential address was delivered by Shri Anil Shastri, Former Union Minister & Chairman, LBSIM, Delhi.
The festival included over 50 events hosted by various academic and cultural clubs of the institute encompassing diverse topics like politics, marketing, HR, finance and IT with over 1500 students participating from various institutes across India with prizes worth 1.2 million up for grabs.
The Festival witnessed huge crowds for the various events encompassing cultural, management & technical arenas.The festival started with the finance event ‘Stock-o-poly’, a stock market simulation game followed by the fun-filled and lively street play competition ‘Rangbhoomi’ that witnessed enthusiastic participation from the shortlisted 15 teams. 
Team from JMC, University of Delhi secured first position in Rangbhoomi.FMS, Delhi bagged the first prize in ‘Engagetix’ conducted by HRythm, the HR club of LBSIM.  Solo and Duet dance competition also served to be crowd attractors and the first prize in Solo Dance was won by NDIM, Delhi. Eureka Express, organized by the Operations & Systems clubs of LBSIM was won by FMS, Delhi.Fashion Show organized by Vogue, the fashion club, served as the ultimate platform for display of style and glamour was won by Dayal Singh College the first prize in the Fashion Show. The flagship event, Ativizva an online political simulation game, witnessed participation from 100 teams across the nation, IMT, Ghaziabad bagged the first prize worth Rs. 50,000.
The most happening event of today, the MTS Rising Night featuring a Glow Party with DJ Nucleya served as the ideal way to conclude the first day of TATVA’14.
Finenza, organized by the finance club of LBSIM, marked the beginning of the second day.The competition was won by MDI, Gugaon. Debsoc, the debating society of LBSIM organized Youth Power on day one which was won by IMT Ghaziabad, and on day two I.D.I.O.T.S. which was won by Aashima Lakhanpal from NMIMS and Rupish Saldi from LBSIM. 
The much awaited quiz, Blizzard, was hosted by Rohit Nair and was won by Anurag Khandelwal and Teo Thomas from google India. IIT Roorkee students bagged the first prize in Rural Marketing Mela. The highlights of the second day were Fort Rock, The stage play ‘Rangmanch’ and Group Dance. The two-day festival served as the ultimate platform for students across the nation to showcase their talent. 
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