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10 Days to NMAT – Focus on All Three Sections

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10 Days to NMAT

NMAT 2024 is hardly ten days away. For most of you it will be the first exam you write for the MBA season 2024. Now is the time when you need to prepare smartly. The NMAT 2024 Important Dates are as follows:



NMAT 2024  registration 

1st, August 2024  to 10th, October  2024

NMAT scheduling

1st, August 2024  to  14th, October  2024

NMAT Retake Registration

6th, November 2024 to 17th December 2024

NMAT Rescheduling

1st, August 2024 to 17th December 2024

NMAT 2024 Exam Delivery

5th, November 2024  to 20th, December 2024

Important things to keep in mind about NMAT 2024 exam are:

  • It is a speed-based test
  • There is sectional time limit
  • There is individual sectional cutoff
  • There is no negative marking
  • You can choose the order of attempting the sections.

To get a 210 to 220 NMAT score you must focus on all three sections equally. While attempting the NMAT 2024 exam keep the following things in mind:

  1. Pre-plan your strategy – the order in which you will attempt the three sections.
  2. You have the leverage to guess, eliminate and mark answers.
  3. If you see yourself getting stuck at a particular question - move on!
  4. Do not get affected by the ‘time elapsed’. This can cause confusion and add on to nervousness.
  5. Go with the mindset that it is the first and final attempt. Do not be complacent.

Keep the following in mind while preparing and attempting the three NMAT exam sections:

Section: Language Skills

Total Questions: 32

Total Time: 22 Minutes

Sectional Breakup:


No. of Questions





Reading Comprehension


Para Jumbles



Approach: Keep the following things in mind while preparing and attempting the Language Skills section

  1. Go through the official test guide sold by GMAC to go through the words.
  2. Make sure you time yourself while practicing individual RCs.
  3. Start with non-RC based questions during the exam. They take less time.
  4. There are 2 RCs. Do not spend more than 5 to 6 minutes per passage.


Section: Quantitative Skills

Total Questions: 48

Total Time: 60 Minutes

Sectional Breakup:


No. of Questions


9 to 10

Geometry & Mensuration

5 to 6


2 to 3

Modern Math

2 to 3

Data Interpretation

5 sets – 20

Data Sufficiency



Approach: Keep the following things in mind while preparing and attempting the Quantitative Skills section

  1. Time yourself while practicing individual DI sets.
  2. Arithmetic based questions are definitely asked and can act as percentile boosters.
  3. Triangles and circles are a popular topic.
  4. Questions from P&C, Probability and AP/GP definitely make the cut. Do not miss these topics.
  5. Attempt at least 2 to 2.5 DI sets. These are calculation intensive. Keep your calculation shortcuts handy.
  6. Most questions from DS are arithmetic based. Attempting at least 4 is a must.
  7. Arithmetic topics like R&P, %ages, Profit Loss, SI/CI, TSD, Mixtures and Time & Work are also very popular. Prepare them well.
  8. Anytime you find yourself spending more than 2 mins on a question, move on.
  9. Attempt the questions in the order - Quant, DS and DI. DS and Quant can be swapped.



Section: Logical Reasoning

Total Questions: 40

Total Time: 38 Minutes

Sectional Breakup:


No. of Questions

Verbal Reasoning


Analytical Reasoning



Approach: Keep the following things in mind while preparing and attempting the Logical Reasoning section:

  1. Verbal reasoning questions comprise of topics like strengthening/weakening of arguments, conclusions/inferences, assumptions and analogies
  2. Analytical reasoning questions comprise of topics like arrangements, blood relations, coding-decoding, geometric representation, grid-based codes, and sequential output.
  3. This section can be a little challenging. It is advisable to skip the tough questions. Try to attempt the simpler and smaller questions.


All the best!

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