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An Open Letter to IMT-Ghaziabad

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Publsihed: Monday, 23 January, 2017 09:35 AM

An Open Letter to IMT-Ghaziabad

As I still struggle to maintain fortitude and patience in the face of trials, a letter like this should be the last thing on my mind. But it’s been a promise long due and sooner or later, it should be through.

Dear IMT-Ghaziabad,

“It didn’t go the way I wanted it, it went a better way”- unknown

I am really going to miss you.

It’s time for us to part ways. (Sniff). And from here on, our paths may never cross again. Although I asked for this, I may never be the same again. But hey, those two years you gave me may last a lifetime.

You were worth it

For me, you have been the dream come true.  In your quirky and eccentric architecture,  I have seen myself grow into an adult.  In your porches, I have experienced the best kind of solitude. I have seen you brimming with possibilities and opportunities. You have nurtured the most enriching ideas and taught me life-altering realisations.


We were meant to be together.

I had my bags packed for Bhuvaneshwar but you never let me go. You were meant to happen and I am glad I would join the ranks of your esteemed leaders sooner or later. The journey has been amazing my friend, unforgettable in every sense.

I’ve never experienced a college-turned-home like you.

Hey, I may have some grievances and complaints about you, I may have not been part of your cult, I may have cursed you at times, but honestly, I have never seen you getting angry about it. You have been the nicest place to me and you have never let the warmth go away.

IMT Ghaziabad

What a dear and dependable friend you have been!

I have experienced your selflessness, the wisdom you enclose and your healing powers when I felt let down. Even today, it’s your thought that lets my faith stay. You have been a healer, a motivator and the best promoter of my interests.

By the way thanks for teaching me a lot of lessons.

My god, where to begin? You have been generous in so many ways. You have made me a better and competent human being. You have made me a compassionate and balanced guy. You have opened my horizons and given me a lot of perspectives. Oh and the patience you taught me is unparalleled, just like belief, faith, friendship and love that I enjoyed in your grace.

IMT Letter


Okay, my friend, this is it. It’s just next 2 and half months and then you’ll change the life of others like you changed mine. Be nice to them and I am sure they will soon realize that they are fortunate to be a part of you.


IMTIMT Open letter

Disclaimer: The above article is a blog post by Shashank Sharma, a student of PGDM 2015-17 at IMT Ghaziabad and has been previously published here .

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