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PGPWE for Grooming Leaders for Tomorrow at IIM Raipur

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PGPWE for Grooming Leaders for Tomorrow at IIM Raipur

The PGPWE course offered by IIM Raipur aims at developing the leadership potential. It is especially designed for mid/senior level professionals and is designed especially keeping in mind the industrial and business scenario of today’s world and specifically that of Chhattisgarh. The program aims to enhance skills and capabilities essential for managerial positions. 

The focus  is  to enable  and  develop  managers that  understand  global  embedness  and  requirements  of  their  organisations  as  well as also understand the intricacies of business at functional and strategic levels. The program also has given a special  emphasis  on  emerging  economies  which  have  enormous  potential  and  business  opportunities. 

IIM Raipur has invited applications for the second batch of PGPWE, the last date for which is MAY 14, 2013. For details one can visit the website www. iimraipur.ac.in

Stressing on the relevance of such a program Prof. B.S Sahay, Director IIM Raipur said, “The economy has changed the social and economic scenario of the world. Today there is a great need for qualified and trained management professionals to lead organisations and the industry to the next level of economic growth and prosperity. The management education today should be considered as a stepping stone for professional who are looking for mid-career change for better opportunities and career.”

The last batch of PGPWE had 37 students representing various business profiles from varied organisations.  AbhishekPruthi, a student of PGPWE who is currently working on a project with the World Bank said, ‘This programme is highly recommended for those who want to expand their horizons and develop tools to deal with challenges in present arena. With rigorous academic atmosphere and experienced faculty, the programme has been a great learning experience for me.’

In a similar vein, another student PurusottamSethi, Dy. Chief Materials Manager, Indian Railways said, ‘The course helps in improving not only the managerial capacity but is also helpful in every other field of life. Very well designed to meet the needs of working executives, the course is a must for anyone seeking personal and professional growth.’

Mr.Sanat Kumar Panda, Intelligence Officer, Directorate of Central Excise, who is currently one of the students of the PGPWE remarked, ‘The course provides state of art education and develops analytical skills to a great extent. With wholesome knowledge and balance of technical and human aspect, this programme has served the basic requirement of our organization.’

The course has not only been received well by the participants but also by the very experienced faculty involved with the teaching of the course. In a discussion on the merits of the course, Prof. Vinita Sahay, who has been closely involved with the course said, “I found the PGPWE class of 2012 to be highly diverse and mature, with high levels of energy and enthusiasm. The batch displayed amazing commitment and keenness to learn. The class room discussions were eclectic. Each participant drew from their own experience and contributed to meaningful discussion that displayed self-reflection and effective peer learning. Teaching them also helps to remain contemporary and relevant.”

Prof. K.K Ray, Chairman for PGPWE informed, “The PGPWE batch is an exciting mix of professionals from various disciplines such as engineering, science, commerce, IT, management, and medicine. They represent various sectors such as power, manufacturing, consulting, banking and finance, central excise and so on. This makes the batch very diverse which will be helpful for them to scale new heights.”

The PGPWE with its basket of courses helps the students to grow in various fields with the capacities required for a well-developed set of analytical skills. This allows them to take up leadership positions in the industry and steer it forward.

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