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Personal Interview TIPS for MBA Aspirants - Personality Development

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Personality Development

Personal Interview is the last leg of hurdle; you need to clear before you are likely to be admitted in B school.  

PI is the most crucial stage and it demands highly focused mental agility as either this can be converted to an opportunity or will turn out to be a fiasco
Hopefully following topic on "Personality Development " will boost your confidence to clear PI successfully:
So you thought personality is permanent and we are like that ! NO whatever we think regarding our own personality it can be changed but we need to have control over certain traits and characteristics we may further develop or drop or refine.
Let us try to understand what is Personality? The "personality" is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.
The moment we say such & such person is having a good personality, we think and convey that he / she is likeable, interesting and pleasant to be with.
Having a good personality is very vital and perhaps even more than having good looks.
It is said that about 90 percent of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.
Following are few guidelines which may alter personality if absorbed and implemented :
1.Be a better listener – It is always considered to be a good listener as that helps you to get the more options to understand others and get their point of view and that will help you to put your communication in much better way.
2. and expand your interests – Reading habit is the best habit anyway and one should expand on reading different kind of subjects as that will expand your horizon.
3.Be a good conversationalist – It is said that the moment you converse, your inner personality come out so it is very important to converse efficiently.
4.Have an Opinion – It is good to have very positive opinion in general and a neutral opinion on controversial subjects but once you have your line of thinking, stick to that.
5.Meet New People –  It is always good to meet new set of people that will help you to have not only networking but this will also help to understand different opinions.
6.Be yourself – Don’t imitate any personality as God has given you an unique body and personality so you are yourself unique.
7.Have a positive outlook and attitude – In general it is good to have positive attitude that helps you to understand others and you are a winner.
8.Have fun and see the humorous side of life –  It is said that the biggest joke is to laugh at yourself so once in a while it is good to look at humorous side of the life.
9.Be supportive of others – This is very essential as by supporting others you will get the similar responses.
10.Have Integrity and treat people with respect – This is being humane to all fellow beings.
Besides developing above characteristics it is essential to be Natural as that will help you not only to imbibe new traits but you will be putting yourself on the ladder of success.
For PI Tips,stay informed and inspired at MBA Rendezvous