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Tips on maintaining Positivity in PI

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PI tips

After having cleared cutoff percentile at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Personal interview and now it is must for you to practice with variety of Pi Tips.

Read and develop points for Pi Tips : Tips on maintaining Positivity in PI

The Personal Interview (PI) involves a lot of stress and anxiety as your career depends on its outcome, to a large extent. Since your entire focus is on preparing well for the interview, anticipate questions and look to answer well, one of the basic things you miss out on is displaying a positive attitude during the interview. The candidates who carry an aura of positivity around them will have a better chance of impressing the interview panel, simply because positivity is more powerful than negativity.


Think positive

A lot depends on how you train your mind before appearing in the interview. If you doubt your chances of making it and tell your mind that you won’t clear the interview, the mind will transmit that message to all parts of your body and you will fail to convince the interviewer otherwise because you are not convinced yourself. Therefore, it is important to tell yourself that you have it in you to compete with the best and get admission to the best institutes. Remembering a happy memory of your life may infuse positive thoughts in you. Only when you are positive and at ease with your own self, will you be able to convince and impress the panel.


Be confident

There is no doubt about the wonders that confidence and self- belief can do, especially in an interview. The hard reality of life is that people who are shy and not confident about themselves get pushed by people who are confident and assertive. Without confidence, it is difficult to succeed in this highly competitive world. In an interview situation, which puts the candidates in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation, they only have their confidence to fall back on. It is their confidence that is their most potent weapon during the interview, which helps them maintain positivity throughout.  A confident person can convert a challenging situation into an opportunity. The assertiveness and warmth in the voice, positive attitude, control over gestures, are all signs of a confident personality and will immediately catch the attention of the interviewers.


Winning instinct

The answers that the candidates give must reflect a can-do attitude. People with winning instincts are usually people who exude a lot of positivity. This is because these people are always open to every experience, whether good or bad, and are able to derive the right lessons from them. They never say ‘NO’ to challenges and don’t possess any sign of negativity in them. Even their actions reflect a sense of purpose.



Gestures play a crucial role in PI. The candidates are observed minutely by the interviewers and any gesture that betrays their nervousness and lack of confidence is noted. Movement of hand, fingers, legs, eyebrows, eye contact, posture and so on, point to a person’s frame of mind, whether he is confident and positive or not. Even before the interview begins, these gestures make or break the initial impression of the candidate, hence, should be factored in by the candidates while preparing



Lastly, the candidates must dress up nicely and comfortably, because what you wear is, to some extent, linked to how you feel about yourself. When you look well, you are bound to carry a positive image of yourself to the interview. Basics such as wearing neatly ironed clothes, polish shoes, trimmed hair, nothing flashy or extravagant add to creating a positive and favourable aura around you in the interview.


Advice for candidates

Positivity is a state of mind that can be inculcated by keeping the above points in mind. Only a positive person can, believe in himself and feel a sense of security, in the first place and leave a listing impression on the minds of the interviewers.

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