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Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes

Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes

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Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes

WAT Topic for MBA 2022

WAT is the Written Ability Test for MBA admission into top B-Schools and IIMs all around India.

  • Are you done writing your CAT (MAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT) exam?
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It’s time to convert those dreams into reality. If you have cleared the cutoff for your favorite college, you must start preparing for MBA WAT Essays and polishing your writing skills. The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) and all top B-Schools conduct a writing ability test (WAT) or Academic Writing Test (AWT) to check your – General Awareness and Language Skills

The popular IIM WAT Topics 2022 are mostly related to social issues, current affairs, and business and the economy. MBA Rendezvous has listed all the burning WAT Topics for MBA 2022 that can be asked in the WAT round and the Key WAT Tips or information to keep in mind while preparing and appearing for the round. Checkout the  Writing Ability Test Sample and popular writing ability test topics for 2022.

Since post MBA entrance exams, most of IIMs and Top MBA Institutes are conducting WAT ( Written Abiity Test ) to check language skills which can't be developed overnight hence, practice matters a lot. 

Please read following topic on WAT and develop your own skills : Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes

It is good to dream but if these dreams don’t move you to action, something is amiss. While everyone has wishes, only a few are able to convert those wishes into reality. This is because it is easy to wish, to dream but difficult to walk the arduous path of success, which includes many obstacles on the way.

The difference between dreaming of something and working towards realising it, also brings out the difference in the character of people. Some people achieve great heights in their life while others try but have to remain contented with an ordinary life. The underlying difference between these two types of people is their spirit, their determination and their will. Those who achieve great heights don’t possess feeble spirits. They have the will to surmount all challenges, they have an inherent motivation to pursue the path of success or perfection relentlessly. On the other hand, those who are not strong and lead mediocre lives keep doubting their abilities and lack confidence in themselves to achieve their goals. They get trapped in insecurities and are just happy to be as they are.

Not everyone has the inner strength to accomplish great things in life. Not everyone is uncomfortable with mediocrity. The path to success is sprinkled with abundant hardships, toil and struggle. If it was easy to succeed, everyone in the world would be successful and lead good lives. But, that is not the case. Challenges abound in life, you just have to accept this fact and overcome it, and it is only will power that will help you triumph over these challenges. 

Wishes and dreams are a reflection of our innermost desires, the things we aspire to achieve and how we perceive ourselves. It is only when you juxtapose your wishes and dreams with strong will- power that you move closer to realising your potential. Think of the struggle our freedom fighters went through to achieve freedom for our country. Think of Mahatma Gandhi, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh and many other prominent freedom fighter, who wished for Indian independence and for a country that is free of foreign rule, where everyone is equal. Such was their commitment towards the cause, such was their will power that they kept on enduring hardships and didn’t think twice before sacrificing their comforts and privileges for the larger goal. They had the temerity to back their wishes and dreams with strong will-power, which ultimately drove them to success. 

In the world of business and technology, the best recent example of someone who is backing his wish and vision with will-power is Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX. He is dreaming of impossible things, like creating the Tesla electric car or launching rockets and turning them into reality with sheer will-power and sharp acumen. Today, he is not just a billionaire, but a man who is having a deep impact on the world. 

Thus, to become great, you need to marry your wishes with will-power. That’s what great people do, that’s what you should do.  

Latest Wat Topics

Quality performance starts with a positive  The Best way to predict your Future is to create it
Maintaining a winning attitude is crucial I Am Honest
Attitude is crucial for all actions Application of knowledge is crucial

Read 115+ WAT Topics

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