Written ability Test has also become a tool to test MBA aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of MBA selection process.
We at MBARendezvous.com - India's content lead MBA Website, have started series of articles on "Written Ability Test" which will certainly help you to clear MBA admission selection
This article on "Power of Influencing” will boost your confidence to be successful in Written Ability Test :
Some people are gifted with a power of influencing. The power to influence simply means an innately present or consciously developed quality which allows one person to affect the thoughts of the other. Through a good power of influence, one can even incite people to think in a particular direction or even affect their decisions. Thus, the power to influence is a very big power. Some people are innately blessed with this quality.
Their mind works in such a way that they are able to understand the thought process of the other person and is able to influence it by interjecting their own thoughts in their way of thinking. Interjecting one’s own thoughts into someone else’s though process is a difficult task and should be done very cautiously.
While some people are naturally gifted with the power of influencing, some other has to develop it in them. Developing the power of influence is a constant process. Any person, who wishes to develop the power of influencing in himself, should initially work at developing his own thought process and also at making himself more intelligent.
Experiencing all things and constantly learning new things is the key for people only listen to those whose thoughts are clear and who know better than all others. Thus, even if a person does not naturally possess the power of influencing, he can develop it by constantly working on oneself.
Power of influencing is a very important quality required in every leader. A good leader is one who can motivate his team and guide them to take the correct road. Only a person who has a good power of influencing can become a good leader. Thus, for any person willing to make a mark into the corporate world or for that matter, willing to take the lead in any field of life, it is a must that he should have a very good power of influencing.
The question that arises thus, is, how can one develop the power of influencing? Since not every person is blessed with the gift of influence, how can people who are not so naturally gifted, with the power of influencing, develop it over time? Here are some of the ways:
Power of influencing is essentially a way of influencing other people with your own thoughts. To be able to impress others, it is most important that your own thoughts are clear, intelligent and assorted. If the way you think, is messy and unintelligent in itself, it is quite unlikely that any person would want to listen to what you think. Thus, intelligence, knowledge and far-sighted thinking are the primary keys in developing the power of influence.
The way a person speaks also plays a pivotal role in influencing others. People, who are gifted with an excellent power of speech, often find it easier to influence people as people like to listen to them and they do not have to make an effort to attract people to listen to what they are saying. Thus, any good speaker will have a better power of influence than a non-speaker. Similarly, if power of influence is through writings, any good writer will have a better influencing power than a non-writer.
Lastly, the quality of leadership and the quality of influencing are inter-connected. If you are a good leader, you will easily be able to influence your people and vice-versa. Thus, to be able to develop the power of influencing, it is much important that one should first establish himself as a good leader.
Stated above are some of the ways which a person can use to develop the power of influence. The power of influence will come very handy in all fields and phases of life. Thus, one should work on developing it since the very beginning.
However, with the power of influence also comes a lot of responsibility. When you know that whatever you say can drive people in a certain direction and force them to do something that may or may not have been their first choice, it becomes all the more important that you influence them in the right way. If you set up a wrong example and people start to follow it, you, in your power of being the influential person, will be held responsible for the wrong that they do.
Thus, the power of influence is both a boon as well as a bane. If used rightly, the power of influence can really make better someone’s life. However, if someone’s exploits this gift of influence, they can also cause much chaos and wrong as well.
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