13 FAQs About IBSAT Exam Every Student Asks
IBSAT exam is a national level MBA entrance exam conducted by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education. The exam score for the IBSAT exam is your gateway to the nine IBS branches. Click here to know why must IBSAT be in your management entrance exam list.Like every aspirant, you will have many questions buzzing in your mind. Here is a one-stop list for all frequently asked questions (FAQs) about IBSAT 2023 Exam.
1. What is IBSAT?
IBSAT exam is an online exam conducted by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education for MBA and PGPM courses offered at the nine IBS branches – Hyderabad, Dehradun, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Pune.
2. When is the IBSAT 2023 Exam?
The IBSAT exam is conducted over two days in December every year. IBSAT 2023 exam dates are 23rd and 24th December 2023. The registration has already begun and ends on 16th December 2023.
3. What is the cost of the IBSAT 2023 application?
The cost of the application is INR 1800.
4. How many sections are there in the IBSAT exam?
There are four sections – a. Verbal Ability – 50 questions b. Reading Comprehension – 30 questions c. Quantitative Aptitude – 30 questions d. Data Adequacy & Data Interpretation – 30 questions
5. What is the marking scheme for the IBSAT exam?
The IBSAT marking scheme is – a. Correct Answer: +1 mark b. Incorrect Answer: 0 mark
6. Is there negative marking in the IBSAT exam?
No, there is no negative marking. This feature is an advantage when you write the IBSAT exam. The exam tests you on your speed and aptitude.
7. What is the duration of the IBSAT exam?
The IBSAT exam duration is 2 hours or 120 minutes.
8. Is sectional jump allowed in the IBSAT exam?
Yes, you are allowed to toggle between sections.
9. Is there a sectional time limit in the IBSAT exam?
No, there is no sectional time limit in the IBSAT exam. You can easily navigate between sections and questions during the two-hour exam.
10. Is IBSAT a tough exam?
The difficulty of an exam is subjective. Hence it is for you to decide if the exam is tough or easy based on your preparation and the mock tests you write. As per experts and students who have previously written the IBSAT exam, it is considered a moderately tough exam. Anyone with speed and clear concepts can easily crack the exam..
11. Where can I find IBSAT mock tests??
IBSAT mock tests can be found on the official IBS and MBA Rendezvous website. Every year IBS releases mock tests where students can write and get first-hand experience in the exam. Please note that the exam's actual difficulty level may be a notch higher or lower than the given mock exams.
12. How to prepare for the IBSAT exam?
Things to keep in mind while preparing for the IBSAT exam are: a. Revise the syllabus thoroughly. b. Practice using mock tests. c. Time yourself when you solve questions. d. Devise your strategy, which includes choosing the order of sections and shortcut tricks to solve hefty calculations, etc.
13. What is the exam strategy required to crack the IBSAT exam?
To crack the IBSAT exam, you need a simple BAT strategy – a. Build your base. b. Attempt everythinge c. Time yourself.
Click here to read about the systematic approach required to crack the exam.
You have more questions popping in your mind about IBSAT? Watch out for this space for more information.
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