CAT Aspirants: Important For You: CAT 2012 Exam Queries: 10 FAQs

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Important For You: CAT  Exam Queries:  10 FAQs

What are the different steps of selection in IIMs after CAT 2012? 

•After CAT, each IIM shortlists candidates for second stage of selection
•The process may include Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussions (GD) and Personal Interviews (PI)
•Performance in CAT 2012 examination will be an important component in the admission process
•IIMs may use previous academic performance of the candidates, relevant work experience and other similar inputs in short listing and ranking of candidates
•The processes, academic cut-offs and the weights allocated to the evaluation parameters may vary across IIMs.
What is the marking scheme in CAT 2012 ?
CAT follows negative marking scheme. Each correct answer carries 1 mark and incorrect deducts minus one mark.
Is there any individual section wise cut-off ?
Yes, there are section cut-offs. However there is no such fixed cut-off for individual sections on written test. Cut off lists (total as well as sectional) are declared every year for respective year and respective sections as per the difficulty level of test.
What’s the syllabus of CAT written test?
There is no any syllabus for CAT as such. However, based upon the previous year’s analysis and study, it is quite clear that CAT requires you to have strong basics. If you have studied Math and English quite well till your 10th Standard, then CAT is for sure, your cup of tea. But, if not, then also you have sufficient time to go through your school basics and broader your scope for admission into one of the top most MBA/PGDM institute of India.
Written Test will be divided into 2 sections:
1.Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
2.Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning
These two sections will be implemented sequentially with separate time limits.
What will be the duration of the test ?
The examination will be of 140 minutes. Candidates will have 70 minutes to answer 30 questions within each section which will have an on-screen countdown timer.
Is it possible to toggle between sections?
No, unlike paper based test, online CAT does not allow coming back to a section, once the candidate has finished it and submitted the same.
Is any tutorial/guidance arranged by the IIMs before final online CAT?
Yes, a 15-minute tutorial will be provided before the start of the test, and candidates are advised to go through that carefully before starting the main examination.
What will be the arrangement at the seat center on the day of the main examination?
At the test venue, each candidate will be seated at a desk with a computer terminal and he/she will be provided with a scratch paper for calculations. 
Can we bring the rough sheet back with us?
No, after the test, candidate must leave the scratch paper at the desk. 
Is there any official break during the exams?
No, there is no official break announced during the exam. However, you may take break if you want to but that will cost you your exam time as officially you will not get any break during the test.
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