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MBA Preparation : Importance of Communication skills

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B  Schools  essentially look forward to the  best of communication skills from MBA aspirants so naturally importance to this skill is a top priority. Today you will read article on:   

Importance of Communication skills
In today’s multifaceted environment, direct, comprehensible and coherent communication is necessary to drive the success towards the organization and the reward for this success goes to its leaders. Listening, conflict resolution, and communicating uniformly are important communication skills. 
There are 7 Cs of communication that provides a checklist for making sure that your meetings, emails, conference calls, reports, and presentations are well constructed and clear – so your audience gets your message. 
These 7 Cs of communication are Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete and Courteous.
When a communication has all these ingredients, the communication is communicated successfully. For example: If a manager posts a notice to all staff in his section telling them that there will be a staff meeting at 3.30 that afternoon, everyone will get the message loud and clear. On the other hand, if a receptionist leaves a message on your answer phone, asking you to call back your manager in Sales before 5.00pm, there is a probability that you check that message after 5.00pm and miss this important call.
Similarly, if a company encloses a slip of paper in every employee's salary information sheet at the end of a month informing them of the new mission statement that the company has decided upon, it is very obvious that each and every employee will go through it once they collect their salary statement. But if this slip is inserted in the menu of the canteen, it is not certain if everyone who gets one will read it.  
Successful communication is a skill, which is inbuilt in many leaders but also can be learned by those who are eager to improve their communication for success, both at personal and professional level. One, who wishes to be a good communicator, will have to appreciate its very foundations of 7 Cs.  
Here are some important points that we should consider for effective and successful communication: 
•To know what we want to say and why?
•How will we say it?
•Listen to know the feedback
•Reach understanding, agreement or consensus. 
A successful leader or manager is one who understands the key issues of the employees by asking them several questions and analyzing them. Also, by demonstrating some sense of responsibility about being aware of their concerns and suggesting them that he would tackle them in the right manner. When a manager shows these traits, people get influenced and appreciate him as they believe in his message and what he represents.  
Good communication skill has other essential elements as well, like: 
•Acknowledging others communicating with you by listening to them.
•It is also an excellent idea to rephrase and repeat what is being said to you. This, not only, insures that you understood what u heard but more importantly what the speaker meant.
•Using examples or personal experiences to explain is also helpful in communicating your ideas.
•Speaking clearly and distinctly is extremely important.
•You can communicate with a positive attitude whenever you speak. People will be more interested in what you say if you are using a positive sentence structure.
•Reading between the lines i.e., analyzing what is being said is also very important as many people have a hard time expressing themselves. You can help them by trying to interpret what they mean.
•You also need to build a trust and honesty bond between you and your employees in the conversation. This could be done by making them feel more at ease and so that they are more likely to exchange ideas.
•Successful communication requires a connection between the parties to a conversation. Try to build a connection. This could be best done by finding a common ground or common interest to open the way to a good conversation. 
If there is any disconnection in the communication, you should keep on asking questions and taking responses, until you get to the heart of the key issues and ensure that there are no any hidden agendas, motives, assumptions or unconscious beliefs amongst your employees. Once these barriers are removed, you can be assured of positive and successful outcomes.  
We should always remember that we have the power to change the results we are getting in our life. It’s up to us to take ownership of our thoughts and actions to achieve our desired results.
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