MBA aspirants who have been shortlisted and invited for Group Discussion may note that MBA Admission Selection Panel will judge you on your interpersonal skills.
Experts say that Group Discussion is a test for your soft skills like communication, coordination and leadership qualities.
You are advised to develop following points to be good in interpersonal skills :
• You should develop the habit to listen carefully
• You must develop habit of observing keenly and absorb patiently
• You must interject with humble submissions
• Don’t make a prestigious point on rebuttals
• Even if you have to take the negative opinion of the assigned topic you can do so but come up with logical points to support your thinking process
MBA students who have been part of Group Discussion earlier are of the opinion that Group Discussion is the golden opportunity to explain and speak with conviction but whatever is being spoken must be supported with factual facts.
Practice with variety of Group Discussion topics and be successful in achieving Mission Admission MBA.
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