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WAT & Essay writing tests overlap

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WAT & Essay writing tests overlap

Published :  Saurav Seth | August 05, 2015 | 06:08 PM IST

Post CAT test , on your getting selected in cut-off list in one of IIM , you will be still screened with WAT ( written Ability Test ) and in XAT , you will be writing Essay in exam itself for 200 words in allotted 20 minutes.

With above ambiguity MBA aspirants get confused on differentiating WAT and Essay writing as Pima- facie both tests are to test written language communication skills.

Content Team MBA Rendezvous analysed the above phenomenon and findings came out with mixed bag of understanding that both Essay and WAT are different sides of same coin hence, these tests overlap in context of exam.

WAT or written ability Test is one of the tests which might have influence during personal appearance test in post CAT screening and even if you are performing reasonably well, you might recover in PI but for Essay writing in XAT, you are being tested with allotted 20 marks and that is highly crucial.

In both tests, you will be given assigned topic and you too have allotted time along with words limit. Let’s recap with both of tests.  

An essay is a short piece of writing on a topic and generally presents the author's point of view on the matter.It could be based upon any real experience or imaginary idea of the author. It is the presentation of your outlook on the topic that is the focus of the essay.

There is no any fixed format of essay but the most standard essay compromises of the following:

  • An introduction
  • A three point(paragraph) body
  • A conclusion

Multiple  types of Essays

  • Argumentative Essay- Argumentative essays are written to present an opinion which either favors or disagrees with a given topic. The writer of the Argumentative essay must prove his/her viewpoint by supporting it with convincing facts and evidences from the reliable sources.
  • Autobiographical Essay- Short description of the writer's own life. It highlights the main aspects of your personal and professional life.
  • Biographical Essay- Writing someone else's 'Autobiography', but called biography as it is not written by the concerned person himself.
  • Descriptive Essay- This gives the detailed description about a topic like person, place.
  • Narrative Essay- This is used to narrate a course of events. We can share our experiences by means of the essay.
  • Persuasive Essay- Persuasive essay is used by the writer to convince the readers to believe in his opinion.
  • Pictorial Essay- A Pictorial essay is a collection of photographs that tell a story.

Written Ability Test (WAT).

This is to judge your written ability skills hence; you will be given an assigned topic which you have to close within 10 minutes with 100 – 120 words.

Since WAT will be written on a piece of paper, your handwriting becomes highly crucial. You need to ensure that only you have to write fast but it must be neat and legible handwriting.

It is handwriting only which will motivate and hold the reader to read full WAT. You can positively continue to excite reader to read till conclusion of your WAT.

Practice with variety of and be successful in achieving Mission Admission MBA.
