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How to develop vocabulary ?

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How to develop vocabulary ?

Good Vocab is one of the prerequisite if you want to score very high in CAT 2024 as well as in many other MBA entrance examinations. There are various ways of developing good vocabulary for CAT  like reading as much as possible, listening to English news bulletin, marking words you don’t understand and then finding its meaning. 

This has been the most traditional way of enhancing vocabulary. Today also this technique is unbeatable. If you really want to enhance your vocabulary or word power, you should start reading English newspapers, magazines, novels or any other material if you wish to. Just remember one thing – Even if you understand the context in which a word is used, you should know the exact meaning of that word as well. If you come across a word whose exact meaning is not clear, you should try and find out the meaning of that word. Together with the meaning, you should focus on the synonym and antonym of that particular word.  
One other important thing that you should remember is that it’s not easy to memorize all the words you come across and retain them as well without any mess-up in your brain. That is why; you should learn the meaning of words in some context as it is much easier to remember some incidence and facts rather than a word and its meaning in isolation.
For instance, let us consider a word ‘camouflage’. For many, it is a word that means covering up, which is correct but not completely. But still many of us will not try to get the exact meaning of this word. Or may be few of us are eager enough to dig it. 
If we will look for it sincerely, we will come to know that the exact meaning of ‘camouflage’ is to cover-up or disguise by painting or covering so as to blend in with the environment.
Thus, it is much different in meaning than mere cover-up. If still you feel you can forget this word and its meaning, you can very well associate it with several military movies and stunts you have watched on TV screen and cinemas. They wear uniforms that could help them hide in the bush; they apply paints on their faces so as to get ‘camouflage’ in the trees and forest. 
Now, it would be impossible to forget this word. Similarly there are several other words that you could remember just by associating it with something or the other. If you become a bit more focused in your preparation, improving vocab is not at all a big deal. 
Reading Newspapers, Magazines and Novels
Almost all the CAT 2023 aspirant read newspapers and magazines, to improve vocab as well to be aware of the current affairs. This could be of enormous help in Written Ability Teat, Interviews, etc. and to improve vocab by reading newspapers and magazines is the easiest way. You can jot down the difficult words and find their meaning, synonym, antonym, etc. What is beneficial about improving vocab with newspaper, magazine or novel reading is that you get a well prepared context in front of you. 
For example, when Kolkata Knight Riders won the 2023 IPL Trophy, West Bengal ‘felicitated’ them. The exact meaning of the word ‘felicitation’ is to congratulate and once you have related this word with your favorite film star, cricketer, politician or state, you will not only remember this word but also the context in which it has been used – Good way of improving general knowledge as well!
Therefore, you should keep on reading newspapers and magazines for improving your vocabulary. Once you are in habit of reading and understanding words, it will begin to interest you and slowly and steadily your word power will be ‘gargantuan’. 
What do you think – ‘Gargantuan’ means?
Do not hesitate or be lazy in finding the meaning of this word. Once you have found the meaning, the context of this article can help you retain it in your mind.
All the best!!
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