Dr. Santrupt Mishra CEO, Carbon Black Business & Director-Group HR, of the Aditya Birla Group, will be the inaugural Chief Guest and Dr. Bijoy K Sahoo, Dean of the School of Business at North Carolina Central University, will be the keynote speaker. Presence of Mr. Azim Hashim Premji is expected as chief guest, to deliever valedictory note. Regional College of Management Autonomous, Bhubaneswar will host the 23rd Annual Management education Convention.
As convention’s theme suggests, the main objective of 23rd Annual Management Education Convention is to design an open podium, of policy makers, corporate leaders, fraternity from management education and students, where dialogue discussion can be made upon contemporary issues and challenges confronting management educations and to evolve a road map to meet the requirement of business education.
The management education has expanded significantly in the post-independence era and fro the last two decades contributions made by B-schools are playing a vital role in imparting business education. There are leading institutes such as IIMs in the government sector and a number of institutes in private sector are prevailing to justify their existence. However, it is not clear that how many numbers of institutes are providing relevant and quality education. Numbers of top B-schools are very low and success stories are too far and few in stuck between.
Present day business education is sensitizing itself to the global business environment. The issues of being excellent in global environment need to be understood, both in terms of strategic and operational perspectives by all its stakeholders. Some of the critical issues to be addressed by B-schools are designing industry oriented curriculum positioning qualified and experienced faculty members, augmenting R & D facilities, inculcating value based and ethical standards, fulfillment of social responsibility fostering a climate of innovation and creativity and above all establishing a sound global network. B-schools have to respond to these challenges in all earnestness.
The internationalization of corporate strategies and financial markets, globalization of production process and consumption pattern, access to knowledge and technology, extensive reach of global media and communication revolution etc. have resulted in a seamless world. This global emerging business scenario is posing unprecedented challenges to management education that have never been experienced before. Though along with tremendous opportunities, there are many challenges, which the management education can only leverage upon.
Business education is successfully enter in this competitive corporate world and now this new scenario demands more focus should be given on capacity building through ethical governance, making connectivity platform with international perspective, addressing the needs of next generation entrepreneurship, rejuvenating B-school faculty towards contemporary research and inculcating ethical values in business education to survive, grow and excel globally.
23rd Annual Management Convention of AIMS will cover related sub-themes of emerging paradigms in management education, which are as follows:
- Mangement Education -- Challenges and OpportunitiesB-School GovernanceCurriculum and Pedagogy Reforms
- Regulatory Environment
- Accreditation
- Educational Social
- Responsibility
- Research and Development for B-Schools
- Ethics, Values and Culture Building in Management Education
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
23rd Annual Management Convention of AIMS will feature about 500 directors/ deans/ faculty of management schools. Prominent political leaders, reputed academicians and leading industrialists from India and abroad are invited to deliberate on emerging issues of management education. Many academicians from reputed Indian and foreign business schools, Researchers from specialized institutes in India and abroad, Doctoral level students from leading institutes and students from top ranking B-schools of India are also be the part of convention.
To recognize the best talent in management education, awards will be conferred upon the winners of the below mentioned competitions:
ISB-IVEY Case Competition 2011 will be honored to ISB-IVEY members, Dr Upinder Dhar, AIMS, Best Student Paper Award will be presented to Prof. (Dr.) Shefali Gautam and Dr. Shabir A Bhat, ICFAI Best Teacher Award will be credited to Prof. R.C.Bhattacharya and Dr. P.Narayana
Reddy. Dr. O P Gupta, Dr B V Sangvikar will be honored with J.L.Batra Best Research paper
Award, Best Young teacher award will be presented to Dr.Shantikham H azarika,Dr Yogeshwari, AIMS WeSchool Innovation Award will be credited to Dr. D.Y. Patil, Prof. Mohd
Masood Ahmed and Dr. Rakesh Khurana Dr. L.N. Bhagat Dr. Anil Rao will be honored with
Best Social Responsibility Award.
For detailed information about these awards, please visit www.aims.org.in
For more details and full coverage on AIMS convention please stay tuned to www.mbarendezvous.com