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Management of Failures

Management of Failures

Management of  Failures

Failure most hated word for everybody. Think about the word failure. What emotions does it stir up? For many, the emotions are mostly negative, like guilt, disappointment, inadequacy. When we fail we often feel incompetent, embarrassed and disheartened. We don't want to try again because of the risk. We worry about our image. Even I think twice before write on it. What I am going to write?  Who will read my article?  Who will understand it?  I heard such voices from inside but soon I realize ‘Failure’ is a key to success. There are no failures; it’s just experiences and your reactions to them. We all make mistakes, we all have failures. The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. But one should try to change his approach to accept his mistakes or failure as feedback, and should try to learn from them.

I have learned and still learning a lot from my mistakes at personal and professional level. What about you?  Hardly few of us realize that there are no secrets to success; it is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Especially for juvenile the greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. Many students find themselves weighed down by expectations. Comparisons, Parental expectations and peer pressure are major concerns for students who are preparing or about to attempt any entrance exam or seeking bright career path. These concerns bog juvenile mind down and lead to severe career stress. In such situation they commit more mistakes and sometime these mistakes can be bigger which can spoil a student’s career forever. We didn’t start out with negative feelings about failure. Toddlers learning to walk aren’t weighed down with feeling of incompetence. When they fall repeatedly they stand up and try again and again until they succeed and keep on walking without falling, it is also a motivational teaching for all of us. Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something. One should always try to bring in positive out of negatives. Trial and error or we can called them mistakes, are usually the prime means of solving life’s problems. However many people are afraid to undertake the trail because they’re too afraid of experiencing the failure. They make the mistake of believing that all error is wrong and harmful, when most of it is both helpful and necessary. Mistakes, errors and failure, all these synonyms provide the feedback that points the way to success. Failure pushes people to put together a new and better trail. To meet with an error is not to fail, but to take one more step on path to final success. No mistake, No error, no failure means no taste of success either.

At professional level, too many organizations today have adopted cultures of perfection. A set of organizations follow the rule that any failure is unacceptable which creates a pressure on employees. To retain your reputation as an achiever, you must reach every goal and never, ever make any mistake. Imagine the stress and terror in an organization like that. Don’t adopt shortcuts to achieve your targets. Remember for every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, judge yourself when you have to take a detour. Remember that if you never experience a failure, you are probably not trying to extend your boundaries enough.

How can you turn failure into a success?

  • DON’T CALL THINGS FAILURES:  Don’t fail until give up and quit. It is what our brain interprets as a directive. Things appear when we look for them. And we should only look for right things by using the right language. How we talk to our self is very important.
  • ALWAYS HAVE A DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE: Your definite purpose is where you are heading in life. It is definite, meaning it is non-negotiable. When anything is non-negotiable, it starts to become as powerful as objects of survival. Just think about being hungry or thirsty – you know nothing will stop you from getting food. You have to have a compelling DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE that you focus on daily. This way, when obstacles arise, it won’t even come into your consciousness that they will cause you to fail.
  • AFFIRMATIONS AND POSITIVE FOCUS: We know we have to think positive. But how? If bad things are happening around us, negative thinking creeps in! Negative thoughts are the root of failure, so you have to prevent this. Affirmations are one way to do this. “I SUCCEED AT EVERYTHING I UNDERTAKE”, “I HAVE ALL THE SKILLS AND CAPABILITY TO ACCOMPLISH EVERYTHING I DESIRE”, “I WILL SURPASS ALL OBSTACLES” Phrases such as these are things that you should be hearing daily. These are positive thoughts. Here motivational thoughts daily are another point about positive thinking. In simple words, ‘Think Positive Always’.
  • FOCUS ON PAST SUCCESSES, NOT FAILURES: Focusing on your past failure will increase your odds of failing again. You have to look at yourself and believe yourself to be a person who succeeds at everything you attempt. To do this, you need to always shift your focus on your successes, and get rid of your failures. You can do this by anyway you want, just do it.
  • FOCUS ON THE SOLUTIONS: Forget the obstacle for a moment and think solutions. When you look now at the situation, ignore the information that is telling you can’t find a way this problem. Even when you talk to experts and they say, ‘nope, there is no way out of this one.’ Ignore them. They don’t have the same conviction and belief in your definite major purpose will power which you have. They have their own worries. Stop focusing on how terrible the problem is and concentrate on the solution. This is a fact: There is always a way out, always a solution.

It’s actually not our failures, but how we think about them that give them the power to hold us back. When we fail, we experience two types of consequences—internal and external. External is what happened—just the facts. Internal is how we feel about ourselves from what happened.

Sometime you can expect to fail, it is a natural part of the steadily building methods, part of the best way we mankind educate ourselves, and the only way we undoubtedly learn. Failure is solely doing a thing the wrong manner. We may have 9 things right even so the 10th inappropriate leading to our method failing. The successful spend only 10 per cent of their time thinking about their problems and 90 per cent dwelling on solutions. Observe how others have dealt with similar failures, rather than ruminating about the failure with fellow sufferers.

This way it is possible to beat the fear of failure.

“Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.”

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