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Road Rage: Is it reflection of stress?

Road Rage: Is it reflection of stress?

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Road Rage: Is it reflection of stress?
Extempore Speech has also become a tool to test CAT aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of selection process for CAT 2013
Today you will read Extempore Speech topic:  Road Rage: Is it reflection of stress?
In the recent years, the cases of road rage have increased by large numbers. If the statistics are to be believed and if the data is collated, one will realize that there has been a substantial increase in the number of cases of road rage in the few years. The experts wonder often about the reasons that have led to such an increase and all the studies have shown a connection between road rage accidents and rising levels of stress in the lives of the people. 
According to the information provided to the experts, most of the road rage accidents occurred when the person driving was undergoing a mentally or physically stressful phase. This is beyond doubt that when a person is under stress, he loses his ability to focus on the things that he is doing. The stress of the work, the frustration of the hectic life and the irritation of being constantly on the move is often expressed when a person is driving.
This is precisely the reason why many people often end up fighting with other people driving, riding or walking on the road. Small fights can be overlooked but when they turn into big ones, it becomes a problem. Similarly, stress led road rage accidents cannot be ignored. 
Since it has been proved that there is a link between road rage accidents and stress, it becomes the responsibility of the people to learn to manage their stress levels. There are many things that people can do to reduce their stress level. If a person is feeling highly stressed, they should do some deep breathing exercises to reduce their stress level before stepping inside the car.
It takes only a few minutes but it help increases the focus and thus, simultaneously reduces the chances of road rage accidents. Also, listening to some good music can also reduce the stress levels. 
True it is that, in today’s life, stress is a difficult thing to handle. However, high stress is not a valid reason for hurting someone else or taken their life, even by mistake. So, on a personal level, every person should learn to manage their stress problems and more so when they are on the road and are responsible for the safety of others around them. 
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