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Famous Cricketer Madan Lal gave 'Management Lessons of Team Management through Sports' at MDP of Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Dehi

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Famous  Cricketer Madan Lal gave 'Management Lessons of Team Management through Sports' at MDP of Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Dehi

Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, India’s leading management education institute invited Mr. Madan Lal, former Indian Test and ODI Cricketer, for a Management Development Programme on‘Management Lessons of Team Management through Sports’ at Takshila-The MPD Centre of Excellence of AIM under the guidiance of  programme Director  Dr. Ashu Singh, a highly-experienced faculty member of AIM. 

The Chief Guest, Mr. Madan Lal, Former Indian test & ODI Cricketer, is a sportsman whose contribution to the game has made him a stalwart of Indian Cricket.
At the Management Development Program (MDP),   Mr. Lal shared his experience and knowledgeable insights on the management skills in sports where team concept is supreme.
Mr. Madan Lal elaborated on the subject, “Winning a match is equivalent to achieving a major target whether it is the cricket field or an office environment. Therefore, a strong and organized team plays a very important role in gaining a set target. Every team player holds some specific skill set which helps the team setting a goal and achieving it. Also, it is very important to hold and manage the team in difficult and critical situations. A sense of fair play and sportsmanship is essential in every field and that is much needed today.” He also shared his experience and knowledge about strategies to ‘Win’.
Mr. Madan Lal also laid great emphasis on individuals self development. He further stated that a man of high self integrity and discipline lays the foundation of a strong and successful team. The team members play as important a role and ownership in the success and failure of the team, as does the team leader/ Captain. He recalled the moments from his career and specially the world cup finals in 1983 and stressed on the team spirit and dedication of each of the team mate to pursue the common goal, that made them create history.
Highlighting the significance of team management, Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, stated, “With this management session, our attempt is to inculcate amongst participants, the inevitability of a well-knit team spirit, to experience & understand their potential capacity to become better team player as well as team leader for achieving the targeted objective which are ultimately translated into sustainability & profitability of their respective organization.”