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GD Topic: Water resources must be nationalized.

GD Topic: Water resources must be nationalized.

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GD Topic: Water resources

Post MBA exam results, Group Discussion will be crucial for MBA admission so it is advised to read and practice with variety of topics. In following GD topic, you will be getting some points with divergent views which you can pick up and develop.  Today, you will read GD topic:  

Water resources must be nationalized
Water today poses to be one of the biggest problems to our country. Every other day one can see a river drying up due to unavailability of water. There are millions of villages in the interiors of India where water is not available. People in the country travel kilometres of distance just to avail this basic necessity.
If one studies the water resources available in India, one would realize that water is available in abundance in certain parts of the country which travels all the way to the other parts as well. 
The famous rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra, when they travel from the eastern coast manage to get enough water to serve the entire nation with. What exactly happens to these water resources?
Currently the water resources in our country are being managed by the individual state government through which it flows. These governing bodies have been disputing about the water distribution since long. Famous among these disputes would be the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka one. 
These two states have been in the news for some time over the distribution of water from Kaveri in these two states. This battle has led to immense water troubles in the land of Tamil Nadu.
If these water bodies and distribution of water from these bodies are nationalized, it would improve the usage of water by the nation. The current waste deposits on the banks of the river would be minimized once it is governed by one body. There would be equality in the water supply and, the disputes would grow to be lesser.
The uneven distribution of water can be controlled. If one sees the current situation, Eastern regions have water in abundance while states like Rajasthan do not get enough water. This can be curbed and every state can receive the needed amount of water. 
The occurrence of floods and draughts can be controlled if the water is evenly distributed. Nationalization of the water resources would not give any single person the ownership rights. It is indeed a good idea to nationalize t water resources. This would curb water problems in the country.