Now General Awareness is not knowing who is who of the world but it is expected from CAT aspirant to understand subject which bother us most and must have analytical conclusions during WAT , GD & PI
Today , you will read most heard but not discussed General awareness Topic :
Divide of rural and urban psyche in India: An unhealthy Trend
Psyche refers to broad outlook or a kind of mindset that an individual possesses. Generally this mindset is peculiar and every individual has major or minor variations when it comes to comparing it with others. However similar psyche can exist among groups particularly those who belong to similar geographical location. Hence there is a psyche of persons residing in rural areas which is quite different from the persons residing in urban areas.
There are vast differences that exist between the rural and urban areas of India as far as literacy rates are concerned. Huge variations are found in literacy rates among women in rural and urban areas. This is one of the major causes of the prevailing difference in rural and urban mindset. While 79.9 percent of population is literate in urban areas of the country, only 58.7 percent is literate in rural parts of India. Education causes awareness and helps in the development of personality and the lack of it limits ones psyche.
Urban psyche is forward looking and broad. A person residing in urban area (city or town) will always look ahead. He or she will be literate and will be aware of the current scenario and happenings of the world. They look more groomed and take upon the challenge with utmost determination. Urban people are extravagant and extrovert. They use latest gadgets such as laptops, palmtops and mobile phones as part of their daily routine. Official data on wireless tele density reveals that 65 percent of people in urban India use mobile phones while this number is very less i.e. 34 percent in rural India.
Rural psyche is traditional, conservative and mainly opposed to change. They like to live in their own world and hence don’t like anyone disturbing the status quo. This situation creates a kind of vacuum where the rural people find themselves caught in a web. The rural psyche prevents them to think ahead and be innovative while their traditional occupation (agriculture) does not fetch them much.
In present times we see large number of suicides happening in rural belts and illiteracy plus limited rural psyche are the major causes. Farmers get exploited by the middle men and the money lenders which results in huge debt and hence suicide. According to a publication from the New York University School of Law, in 2009 alone (the most recent year for which official figures are available) 17,638 Indian farmers committed suicide—that’s one farmer every 30 minutes.
The non-availability of sufficient means of livelihood forces them to migrate to urban areas which put lots of pressure on the already suffocated urban cities of the country. Statistics reveal that while 89 percent population resided in rural areas in 1901, the number got drastically reduced in 2001 which was 72 percent. In 2011 population census the numbers are expected to be around 70 percent.
All the above data reveals that the rural psyche creates trouble for the rural people and they are caught in a vicious circle where they are not left with many options – either they choose the difficult path i.e. migrating to a city or they select the path which they think is easy i.e. ending their life. Both the options however are not fruitful in the long run for the country.
One important example of rural psyche is the existence of Khap Panchayats in the rural belts especially in the states like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The Khap Panchayats possess rural psyche to its very roots and hate the forward looking and progressive mindset of the urban people. They think that they are the true saviors of traditional Indian culture and defy any opposition whatsoever which comes their way in this regard. The recent example where Khap panchayat of Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh levied various kinds of restrictions on freedom of movement of women and their independence shows that even in the 21st century there is lot of difference between the rural psyche and urban psyche and gap is not getting plugged. This mistrust leads to confusion and hinders the growth of a healthy opinion and consensus.
Another aspect of this problem of rural urban division is that while we all understand that the divide exists, we find it difficult to accept it and find solutions to it.
The following steps can be taken so that this rural urban gap bridges:
1.By creating more and more employment opportunities in rural areas
2.By making agriculture cost-effective and profitable
3.By providing urban amenities in rural areas
4.By starting centrally sponsored schemes in rural areas (such as Bharat Nirman, MGNREGA) and assuring their proper implementation.
5.By posting urban professionals such as doctors, engineers, advocates in rural areas so that rural population gets access to quality services at their doorstep
6.By providing cheap loans to farmers and protecting them from natural calamities by way of crop insurance
7.By respecting and not criticizing the psyche of each other
This division of rural and urban psyche is not good for the development of the country. All the first world countries ensure that their urban and rural belts work together in complete co-ordination and harmony towards achieving the national goals.
If India wants to compete with other countries and get back its lost glory then we have to move ahead hand in hand. We have to present a united face and take the challenge thrown upon us with full determination. This can only be achieved if both the rural and urban India has full faith and confidence in each other’s abilities and strengths
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