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TANCET 2022 Exam, Admit Card, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

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Entrance Exams

TANCET 2022 Important Details

Tancet 2018

Website: http://www.annauniv.edu

Type of Examination: State Level

Contact Phone No: 044 2235 8314

Mode of Examination: Pen and Paper, MCQs

Contact Address: The Secretary, TANCA (Tamil Nadu Common Admissions), Anna University, Chennai - 600025.

TANCET 2021 Important Dates

Commencement of Registration of Application

30th March 2022

Last date for Registration of Application

18th April 2022 [Closes by 4.00 pm]

Checking Final Status of Application

To be announced

Downloading of Hall Tickets

May 02, 2022 [Tentatively]

Announcement of Results

To be announced

Downloading of Mark Sheets

To be announced


TANCET 2022 Application Form

Students can know about TANCET 2022 Application Form in the below given section:

  • TANCET 2022 Application Form will be made available by online mode.
  • The application will get started from first week of March 2022.
  • Students will be able to fill the application form till fourth week of April 2022.
  • Students must provide their valid email id and phone number to get registered.
  • Students will have to fill details in the application like personal details, academic details etc.
  • The application details must be filled correctly as no modification will be allowed after submission of form.
  • After completion of application process, candidates must print the application form and payment proof for further use

TANCET 2022 MBA Exam Hall Ticket / Admit Card

The TANCET MBA Hall ticket or Admit Card is normally available for download at the Anna University website starting mid-March. You can also obtain it in person from any of the coordinating centres of the conducting body (see the list provided above) or Anna University’s enquiry office.

Please keep in mind that the Admit Card is never sent via post. Furthermore, it’s mandatory for you to always carry your valid identity card along with your Admit Card on the day of the examination. You should also keep it safe after the examination is over, for the admission purposes.

The TANCET 2022 Admit Card or Hall ticket consists of the following details:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Registration number
  • Signature
  • Photograph
  • TANCET examination date, time and venue
  • Special instructions for the day of the examination

Any candidate who misplaces his/her Admit Card after the examination can obtain a duplicate by sending a request letter to Anna University, with a Rs. 100 demand draft. The DD can be made from any nationalised bank, payable at Chennai and drawn in favour of

The Secretary,
Anna University, Chennai

The letter should contain your application number, name of the examination centre and sent to: Secretary, Tancet, Centre for Entrance Examinations, Anna University, Chennai – 600025.

Introduction to TANCET 2022

Students seeking admission into the reputed Tamil Nadu based MBA institutes need to appear for the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test or TANCET. It’s a state-level entrance exam, conducted by Anna University, Chennai, on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Government.

If you successfully crack this examination, you get a chance to enroll into any of the post-graduate MBA programs offered by:

  • Several State-level Universities and Government Colleges in Tamil Nadu
  • University Departments of Anna University
  • Anna University’s Regional Campuses and
  • Many Stand-alone Institutions Affiliated to the Anna University

Anna University is a technical university based out of Tamil Nadu, India, whose main university campus is situated at Guindy, Chennai.

TANCET 2022 for admission into 2022-24 batch of MBA will be conducted across 15 different offline test centers, in May 2022 this year.

Eligibility Criteria For Tancet 2022 Exam

tancet exam

Students willing to appear for TANCET 2022 MBA must ensure that they meet the following eligibility criteria:

They should have earned a Bachelor’s degree (of minimum three years) from a recognised institute/university with at least 50% marks (45% for candidates belonging to any of the reserved categories).

Their education pattern towards accomplishment of that degree should look like either of the following:

  • 10 + 2 + 3 years’ pattern or
  • 10 + 3 years Diploma, plus an additional 3 years or
  • B. Pharm / B. Arch / B. Tech / B. E. degrees or
  • 10 + 2 + AMIE or
  • 10 + 3 years Diploma (awarded by State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE


  • There’s no particular age limit for application to TANCET MBA 2022.
  • Candidates belonging to other states (outside of Tamil Nadu) are also eligible to apply; however, the eligibility criteria in this regard may be eventually decided by the university.
  • Anyone who has obtained Bachelor’s degree without clearing Class X, Class XII and/or a 3 years’ degree program may not be considered eligible.
  • Any candidates who’ve received their B. Tech or B.E. degree through some distance program may not be eligible too.
  • Candidates awaiting results in the final year of their Bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply.

TANCET 2022 Syllabus / Exam Pattern / Exam Structure

The examination pattern, structure and Syllabus for TANCET 2022 is the same as that was for year 2021. The exam would be conducted off-line, in the form of a pen-and-paper test. There’d be 100 questions in total, having a scoring potential of 100 marks.

The following table should give you a fair idea about the examination pattern:

Exam Pattern / Exam Structure

Examination mode

TANCET 2022 entrance test will be held in Pen and paper mode.


The entrance test will be of 2 hours

Number of Questions:

Total 100 questions will be there for MBA & MCA paper. 

Total Marks

The paper will be of 100 marks.

Marking Scheme

Students will get 1 mark for every correct answer

Negative Pattern

1/3 mark will be awarded for every incorrect answer

The candidates are normally required to choose 1 out of the 4 provided choices for every question, and shade its corresponding small open box on the answer sheet, using a black ballpoint pen (and nothing else).

These 100 questions are divided amongst the following five categories/sections (in random order):

Reading comprehension

This section assesses your skills related to passage-based questions. It generally has 20 questions surrounding 2 passages.

Analysis of business situations or ABS

This section assesses if you are able to correctly analyze business data and understand its application in various business decisions. This is done with the help of case studies that describe some of the typical, day-to-day business situations. There are normally 20 questions in this section.

Data sufficiency

Your data interpretation and analytical reasoning skills are ascertained and evaluated using these data sufficiency questions. You can tentatively expect 20 questions from this section.

Quantitative ability

In this section your mathematical problem-solving skills are put to test, with the maximum questions being of graduation level. In general, around 20 questions asked.

English usage

This section tests your basic English skills with the help of questions about English punctuation, vocabulary, grammar etc. You’re likely to get 20 questions based on the section.

About TANCET MBA 2022 Application Form and Application Process

The TANCET MBA application form is normally available from the Anna University’s official website sometime in the second half of the January each year. For instance, the application form for TANCET MBA 2021 is available from 30th March 2022 till 18th April 2022.

All eligible candidates can fill up this application form online within the provided time period. Please note, you should be very careful while filling up this form as you’d not be allowed to make any corrections after its submission.

The application form must be filled online only, using the below provided steps:

Step 1 - Registration with the website

  • Visit the Anna University’s official website available at https://www.annauniv.edu/
  • Click on ‘Online Registration’
  • Register as a ‘New User’ and create a new account for yourself by providing your name, unique email id and other requested details.
  • Set a unique password.

Step 2 - Filling up the application form

  • Log into the Anna University’s website using the above-created User Id and Password
  • Fill in all your academic details, followed by an upload of your photograph (in .jpeg format; no more than 25 kb file size)
  • Review all the provided details before you click the ‘Submit’ button

Step 3 - Making payment

  • Make the online payment for the examination using any of the available payment options.
  • After successfully making the payment, you will receive a completed TANCET 2021 application form in the PDF format. Please also make a note of the unique TANCET Application Number.
  • Download this application form as you’ll need it for future reference (please keep in mind that you don’t need to courier a copy of this application form to the Anna University).

Documents that need to be uploaded with the TANCET Application Form:

  • Copy of Class X or equivalent mark-sheet
  • Copy of Class XII mark-sheet or a copy of 3 years’ Diploma Certificate
  • Copy of the Demand Draft if application/entrance fee payment is being made via that mode
  • A self-attested copy of the Permanent Community Certificate if you belong to any of the SC, ST or SCA categories of Tamil Nadu

TANCET MBA Exam 2022 Application Fee

Payment mode: Students will be able to pay application fee through online mode by debit/ credit card/ net banking.

Note: For every additional course, applicant has to pay Rs. 500/- more (Rs. 250 for SC/ ST/ SCA candidate of Tamil Nadu state).



Application Fee

General Candidates


ST/ SC/ SCA Candidates


List of TANCET Exam Coordinating Centres

  • Coimbatore Government College of Technology
  • Chennai Examination Centre, Anna University, Chennai
  • Karaikudi Alagappa College of Engineering & Technology
  • Chidambaram Annamalai University
  • Erode Institute of Road and Transport Technology
  • Madurai Anna University Regional Centre – Madurai
  • Dindigul University College of Engineering, Dindigul
  • Salem Government College of Engineering
  • Villupuram University College of Engineering, Villupuram
  • Thanjavur Kunthavai Naacchiyaar Govt. Arts College for Women
  • Tiruchirappalli Anna University Regional Centre – Tiruchirappalli
  • Vellore Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology
  • Nagercoil University College of Engineering, Nagercoil
  • Virudhunagar Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology
  • Tirunelveli Government College of Engineering

TANCET 2022 EXAM Test Centres

TANCET is usually conducted across 15 different centers situated in the following cities:

  • Chidambaram
  • Coimbatore
  • Chennai
  • Madurai
  • Dindigul
  • Nagercoil
  • Karaikudi
  • Erode
  • Salem
  • Tiruchirappalli
  • Thanjavur
  • Villupuram
  • Tirunelveli
  • Virudhunagar
  • Vellore

The test centre allocated to you would be mentioned on your TANCET MBA 2022 Hall Ticket which would be available for download at a later date from the Anna University’s official website.

Things to remember when you reach the test venue

  • You’re not allowed to carry any mobile phone or calculator into the examination hall.
  • Although you’re provided additional papers or sheets for rough work, calculations etc., you cannot carry or use any electronic devices in the examination hall.
  • TANCET MBA test doesn’t have any scheduled breaks in between. However, you’re free to take any unscheduled breaks if you want to. Re-entry is allowed only after showing a valid ID card.

TANCET 2022 Exam Results

TANCET 20022 Result will be declared through online mode. The result will be made available in online mode in June 2021. Students are required to enter login details to get the result. After the result will be declared students will be able to download the scorecard.

Students will know overall marks, sectional marks, percentile score, etc. details in the scorecard. The rank list will be released selecting the qualified candidates for the further admission process.

Steps for checking the TANCET 2022 MBA result

All the candidates appearing for TANCET MBA 2022 would be able to check their result and download their mark sheets using the steps below:

  • Visit the official webpage for TANCET 2022 MBA
  • Login to the website using your email ID and password
  • Look out for and click on the link marked ‘TANCET MBA 2022 scorecard’
  • Take a printout of your TANCET MBA 2022 scorecard

About issuance of duplicate mark sheet

Anyone wanting a duplicate copy of his/her TANCET 2022 MBA mark sheet, can obtain the same by sending a written application to Anna University with a Rs. 100 demand draft. This demand draft should be payable at Chennai and can be made from any of the nationalised banks. It should be drawn in favour of:

The Secretary ,
Anna University, Chennai

The candidate shouldn’t forget to mention his/her application number, registration number and the name of the examination centre on the letter.

The written application should be sent to:

The Secretary ,
TANCET, Centre for Entrance Examinations,
Anna University, Chennai – 600025

Top MBA Colleges in Tamilnadu Under TANCET 2022

You can gain admission into various Anna University affiliated colleges based on the rank you obtain in TANCET 2021 MBA. In fact, more than 100 reputed colleges and universities accept TANCET scores for their MBA programs. Some of these institutes/colleges/universities are:

  • Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  • PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore
  • Kumarguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Coimbatore Institute of Management and Technology, Coimbatore
  • Nehru College of Management (NCM), Coimbatore
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textile Management, Coimbatore
  • Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher Education for Women University, Coimbatore
  • Sri Krishna Institute of Management Centre for Excellence in Management Education, Coimbatore
  • GRG School of Management Studies, Coimbatore
  • KV Institute of Management and Information Studies, Coimbatore
  • Anna University, Chennai
  • Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai
  • Galaxy Institute of Management, Chennai
  • Velammal Engineering College, Chennai
  • Sri Sairam Engg. College, Chennai
  • Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai
  • MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai
  • Easwari Engineering College (EEC), Chennai
  • Sona School of Management, Salem
  • Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College, Salem
  • PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
  • RVS Colege of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
  • Thiagarajar School of Management, Thirupparankundram
  • Kongu Engineering College, Erode
  • St. Joseph College of Engineering, Kancheepuram
  • Erode Builder Educational Trust’s Group of Institutions, Kangayam
  • MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
  • Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam
  • KCT Business School (KCTBS)
  • JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli
  • Francis Xavier Engineering College (FXEC)
  • Guruvayurappan Institute of Management, Navakkarai
  • SSN School of Management and Computer Application, Kalavakkam
  • KS Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode

About Tancet CUT OFF Marks For Various Colleges

All the colleges that accept TANCET 2022 scores prepare their own respective cut-off lists for qualifying students. This cut-off is nothing but the minimum TANCET score declared as acceptable by a particular institute for admission into its MBA program.

Please note, the TANCET MBA conducting body has no role in preparation of these cut-off lists. It’s entirely up to the institutes to decide what they deem fit for their respective programs.

This cut-off is usually decided based on several different factors including the difficulty level of the TANCET 2022 exam, average marks scored, total number of seats available and the number of candidates who appeared for the test. You can expect the cut-off to be somewhere in the vicinity of 34 for the general category candidates.

Once these cut-off lists are out, the eligible candidates go through the TANCET MBA counselling and thereafter seek allotments.

TANCET Counselling 2022

The TANCET MBA counselling process starts around late May or early June. For TANCET MBA 2022, counselling notifications will bo out in May 2022. The candidates could apply and register for counselling from June 2022 to June 30, 2022. You can apply for counselling either using the online form or the offline form.

The counselling sessions start sometime in July-August.

Once the counselling sessions are over, the shortlisted candidates are allocated seats in the participating institutes based on their overall performance and rank.

All candidates appearing for counselling must carry the following documents with them:

  • A copy of Class X, Class XII (or 3 Years’ Diploma Certificate) mark-sheets
  • A copy of mark sheets of all semesters (both sides Xeroxed)
  • A degree or provisional certificate
  • Permanent community card (if belonging to any special category)
  • TANCET 2022 mark-sheet
  • TANCET 2022 Hall Ticket
  • Transfer certificate
  • A certificate from the District Medical Board (in case of differently-abled candidates)
  • Nativity certificate (if needed)
  • Self-addressed stamped envelope for call letter
  • Self-addressed stamped acknowledgment card

Please note, you must not forget to take a printout of your call letter after the rank list is published. You’ll need to carry that call letter to these counselling sessions.

Furthermore, candidates unable to attend counselling owing to unavoidable reasons may authorise their parents to attend on their behalf. In case neither the candidate, nor his/her parents are able to attend, they can attend on a subsequent time/date during the counselling period. However, the candidate will need to make-do with the seats available at that point of time and may not be able to claim any seat based on his/her original rank.

Lastly, ensure that you reach the counselling venue at least one hour ahead of time.

Disclaimer :

Please note, the above provided dates and information may be changed from time to time, sometimes without any prior notice, by the examination’s conducting body. Therefore, it’s always best to cross-check with Anna University before drawing any conclusions or making any decision/s.