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The Fourth Overseas Faculty Development Programme of FORE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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The Fourth Overseas Faculty Development Programme  of FORE  at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
After Thailand, Dubai and China, the fourth overseas FDP in the series was held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 29th – 30th, 2012. 
The programme was jointly designed by FORE School of Management and the School of Management, University Sains of Malaysia. 
The aim was to have a country specific, interactive exchange between faculties of two institutions on issues related to Malaysian transformation agenda, economy, trade and business practices. The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation and the Islamic University of Malaysia also participated in the programme with their inputs on trade and culture related inputs respectively.
Outlining the overall objectives, the President, FORE said that besides inputs on country specific issues, it was important to develop the members of faculty as a strong team that will take FORE School of management to greater heights through increased cooperation and inter-disciplinary collaborations. Experiencing international locations firsthand through industry and academic exchange cannot be replaced by any other experience.
The FDP was divided into 4 sessions spread over two days. The session details are given below:



Malaysia’s Economic Transformation Agenda

Prof. Dato' Dr. Ishak Ismail, Dean, School of Management, University Sains Malaysia

Doing Business in Malaysia : A strategic Viewpoint, the do's and don'ts

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Mohamed Sulaiman, Head of Management, International Islamic University Malaysia

Corporate Governance and Ethics : A Malaysian Scenario

Prof. Datin Dr. Hasnah Haji Haron, Dean, Graduate School of Business, University Sains Malaysia

Malaysia - India Trade Relations: What Next?

Dato ‘ Zakaria Kamarudin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation

Each of the sessions was followed by lively discussion. 
A total of 26 members of Faculty from all the different areas participated in this FDP. 
Besides the academic exchanges, the members of faculty also visited places of historical and cultural importance in and around Kuala Lumpur.
Continuing with the practice, each of the 26 members of faculty is to bring out a ‘working paper’ on a theme related to his/her area of interest. The combined intellectual output from this FDP might be published in the form of a book.