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Scams Have Tarnished The Image Of Politicians

Scams Have Tarnished The Image Of Politicians

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Scams Have Tarnished The Image Of Politicians

WAT Topic for MBA 2022

WAT is the Written Ability Test for MBA admission into top B-Schools and IIMs all around India.

  • Are you done writing your CAT (MAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT) exam?
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It’s time to convert those dreams into reality. If you have cleared the cutoff for your favorite college, you must start preparing for MBA WAT Essays and polishing your writing skills. The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) and all top B-Schools conduct a writing ability test (WAT) or Academic Writing Test (AWT) to check your – General Awareness and Language Skills

The popular IIM WAT Topics 2022 are mostly related to social issues, current affairs, and business and the economy. MBA Rendezvous has listed all the burning WAT Topics for MBA 2022 that can be asked in the WAT round and the Key WAT Tips or information to keep in mind while preparing and appearing for the round. Checkout the  Writing Ability Test Sample and popular writing ability test topics for 2022.

Written ability Test  has  become a tool to test MBA aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of MBA selection process. 

We at MBARendezvous.com - India's content lead MBA Website, have started series of articles on "Written Ability Test" which will certainly help you to clear MBA admission selection   

This article on "Scams Have Tarnished The Image Of Politicians” will boost your confidence to be successful in Written Ability Test : 

News, stories flashing each day about the corruption in politics dominates various other stories in both electronic and print media groups. The Indian political scenario has witnessed many worst phases these days with the corruption prevailing in almost all stages and the areas in which politicians are big parties of such modus operandi. Indian politics has become so much scandalous today that there is no question or doubt in it that corruption and scams are now the order of the day. They in fact tarnish the image of politicians in this country which bring bad vibes for it on the international foray.  

We have been witnessing many such things recently and the whole world have equally analyzed that the corruption in Indian politics have ashamed our democratic political system. Take for example the recent spate of scandals and big scams ever including the 2G scam in the telecom ministry and the corruption case in the Common Wealth Games (CWG) that is definitely a big scam that has been highlighted in the whole world. These two scams are the worst political corruption cases that have portrayed scandalous image of the Indian politiciansand there is no doubt in it that such cases have been tarnishing the image of India as a corrupt country and the loopholes in its political system are worst indeed. This much of humiliating scene brings India’s position on the top as the corrupt society. Isn’t it unfortunate scene though that the bad deeds of a few politicians bring appalling name for the whole country. 
The recently released reports by the United Nations bring before us several alarming scenes about India and its slipping down to the 14th position as one of the countries that would attract the highest level of foreign direct investment (FDI). It has been worst as compared to its attraction previous year. The report has revealed a perilous fact about the country that it had hardly sustained at $10 billion inflow unlike its previous $25 billion mark that had made it proud then. The downslide cutting to less than the half is a cause of too much worry. The big question is why our country has failed to attract FDI and the overall perspectives of other countries towards our after the revelation of political corruptions into the media has brought total shame for us.  
Most damaging scene in the Indian political history in the present scenario is the big corruption example of the ongoing 2G controversy. It is the biggest ever scam in the country in which our leaders themselves have violated the trust of the voters who selected these leaders to represent the masses and rule the country. Unfortunately they violated their trust and made big damage to the country that had offered them base to rule it. Although India is an emerging market but it is the one place where corruption has become part of life. How the multinational organizations can can even think of spreading operations in this country which could not only generate avenues for it but also solved unemployment problems at a time the corrupt leaders are in the loot drive. 
If the above mentioned such factors are observed minutely then one comes to know that corruption in Indian politics have tarnished the image of this country so much so that none is going to trust it and the attempts made by the respective governments and this tarnishing is very much down sliding of image for the country in general and the Indian political system in particular.    
There is no doubt in it that India is the most attractive as well as challenging markets anywhere in the world for it being best avenue and at the same juncture a challenge to counter numerous corruption cases. Involvement of its politicians in the corruption cases that come out with a new scam every day and their interference on each level weakens the system, so does it tarnish the democratic political system of the country that was adopted to ensure that every citizen would get their share of freedom and respectable lifestyle in a country that would have brought prosperity for them. 
The two big scams flashing news these days are 2G scam and the Common Wealth Games (CWG) scam in which big political players had their involvement. These scams bring this fact out that in some way or the other Indian politics is going into the jungle age as the leaders themselves have started to loot the country through whatever manner they could do it. When such is the scenario then the world would definitely look at India with suspicion. The uncertain approach with doubts increasing everyday about the credibility of India as a potential market for the international groups is worrisome. 
This doubt is about leadership and corruption everywhere which have been tarnishing the image of each and every community from where such politicians would have emerged. Political corruption damages India on various levels starting from loosing overall credibility to economic instability to loosing trust of the masses that create gap in the communities. 
It is well understood that scams dog down governments ruling the nation today. Corruption cases that have been brought in the media attention and those having not been clued yet are damaging the image of our country as a whole. Scams, whether small or big, are indirectly tarnishing the image of India on international platform. Such serious issues need to be dealt in sincerely for which the ruling government has to shed its indecisive attitude. 
The central and state governments must take firm decisions that would be concrete in approach and makes possible stopping corruption with effective mechanism. If we fail to stop political corruption now then we can’t rule out total damage to India’s image in international community that would otherwise make it impossible for the country to sustain in international platform as a country of the indecisive leaders. Tarnished images of Indian politics would keep it nowhere. 
For more articles on WAT topics, stay tuned to  www.mbarendezvous.com  - India's only content lead MBA Portal.