Written ability Test has also become a tool to test MBA aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of MBA selection process.
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This article on "We Have Habit Of Wasting Electricity” will boost your confidence to be successful in Written Ability Test:
The inattentive and careless attitude of ours develops some of the most impoverished attitudes in us. Such attitudes otherwise cause an array of problems for self and the society as a whole. All those people wasting electricity (energy) are the people that bring bad omen for the society on various levels. The key factors and major causes of concerns should therefore be known. Do such individuals that consume the unnecessary electric power through applying their careless attitude realize that they literally cause a big loss to them and at the same juncture do a disservice to the nation? They actually do a crime which is no way pardonable?
Usually people keep blaming on each other rather than taking an initiative or change the habit about making best use of electricity through the application of alertness and following careful approach. It is therefore important to do introspection for better judgment and taking this issue of conserving energy firmly. It requires thinking ability and timely application of effective measures by keeping the bottom line under consideration. Who is guilty and why should one be blamed for wasting power? Some of the immature and unethical social norms are blamed. If taken seriously it is found that individuals propagate such unethical norms which make nonsense social traditions that cause good amount of energy loss.
Take for example the dryers which often keep working for hours even though the clothes had already turned dry and or using such equipments while clothes could have been better dried in the sunlight. Use of any electric equipment without which the tasks could fulfill is the unethical attitude—nonsense habit that cause big loss of energy. Keeping the lights on while going out from a certain places for sometime is not a prudent idea. One should assume it seriously that turning the light off until coming back would be the easy and prudent choice rather than following the nasty attitude of keeping them on for hours.
Regular such practice of keeping the lights or electronic equipments on unnecessarily, no matter even if they are in the smaller volumes, of such kinds is only deliberate attempts to waste energy. The common practice of forgetting to switch off the electricity and moving ahead for other works are the utter waste of energy which is not an individual damage only. The big loss it has is for society as a whole hence there should be thorough understanding of every single step to make energy conservation a dream cum true.
We develop the habit of wasting electricity by leaving the lights switched on even if there is no such need, so do we do by keeping PC’s or other electronic equipments in power mode even while there is no need for that. Usually lights remain on in the wintry mornings while one could manage without it even if there is little dark. Such things might look petty but their collective losses are monstrous in nature.
Once we understand the logical use of the electrical energy then such habits of ours would change and we would think about conserving it. It would be possible only after understanding the individual factors and responsibilities. When discipline is given prime focus and all of us make it a habit to switch lights or any of the electrical equipments off when not having the need then it would make us equal participants to play pivotal role for the nation building.
Keep asking a question to you why is energy conservation so important? The environmental concerns are one factor whereas potential home energy savings are others. The need of the hour is to give ample room to recycling options so that renewable energy is developed while we conserve electricity to ensure best energy saving. Attempt should also be made by promoting total awareness about the importance of using electricity to the least possible.
Let an initiative be from home and by developing simplified lifestyle concept with least consumption of energy. Keep thinking on the steps you can take for climate change emissions for that conserving energy is a must. Once specific energy reduction goal is developed and steps are taken for electricity, gas and gallons of fuel consumption reduced the approach will change. Each member of the family must come forward to learn about the benefits. Timely guidance to self and people close to you would prove a boon to avoid a habit which only compels to waste precious energy.
Steps can be through making some changes in lifestyle like buying energy saving products to the most possible extent, finding sustainable solution to save energy by educating whole family through keeping them aware of the benefits if specific changes in habits and lifestyle are made. Prefer energy saving options like renewable energy options to turn the home’s energy consumption systematic. Whenever possible the lights must remain off during daytime and in nights too if there is no need. Installation of properly insulated Skylight can prove better option.
Taking initiatives to reduce water consumption ultimately influences energy saving. Regular changes in products used at home or by helping the family members to adopt only those habits that ensure saving energy would prove rewarding. Take for example shorter showers, turning faucet off if not required are all major prerequisites for sustainable growth with enough room for the participative attitude to serve the society keenly for a mutual benefit.
We won’t do any disservice to country anymore if take all possible steps to save electricity—energy—for an overall growth of the country. It needs us to apply our minds, change the life’s approach and do some collective task on the individual front. There is ample chance to bring it into practice through assessing a need, valuing present and future and thinking for constant growth of the country. Consuming power more than its actual requirement is totally foolish act. Carelessness often translates into these habits which only end up into making you use electricity unnecessarily.