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14th Leadership Lecture by Dr. Ganesh Natarajan at TAPMI

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14th Leadership Lecture by Dr. Ganesh Natarajan at TAPMI
Keeping in line with its mission of providing excellent post graduate management education and exposing its students to the best professionals from the industry, TAPMI, Manipal organized its 14th Leadership Lecture in the campus environs on Thursday, December 19, 2013. 
The Chief Guest for the evening was Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Vice Chairman & CEO of Zensar Technologies, Pune. He shared his wisdom on “Imperatives for a Successful Career in a Dynamic Global Economy” with the enthusiastic young management student’s community of TAPMI. 
Dr. Ganesh is also the Co-Chair, National Knowledge Council and a Member of Chairmen’s Council, NASSCOM. He authored his 8th book titled “What We Really Want?–Aspirations of Gen Y, which was released on December 18, 2013in Mumbai.
Dr. Ganesh, a very successful leader in his own right, strayed away from the modalities of a traditional lecture. He first asked the students on what they would like him to speak about and. He informed the students, that since this was a placement season, he spoke to them on Building Successful Careers in a Volatile Global Economy.
He started off by analyzing the distinctive characters of Global Economy and his analysis on India’s slowdown and also presented an analysis of major broking houses & banks views on our growth factor and how the positive policy actions are creating some optimism in the market. 
Dr. Ganesh quoted his experiences of joining Crompton Greaves after his graduation and moved to Aptech and then to Zensar and narrated the changes that he brought in the companies and changed the working environment. He advised the students to take up the job of their passion and give their best at it and informed the students who listened to him with rapt attention on the nuances of Building a healthy organization. 
Companies can’t focus on performance alone and need to manage performance and health with equal rigor to achieve successful change. The importance of the 9 vital outcomes of organizational health was elaborately explained while stressing the 5Fs that an organisation needs to focus on: - FAST, FOCUSED, FLEXIBLE, FRIENDLY and FUN.
Dr. Natarajan’s advice for the growth in carrier to the students was that they will need Leadership skills at an early age and accept responsibilities beyond their capacity.He attributed his perspective of leadership with anecdotes from few great personalities and touch based on the importance of every one of them and backed them with examples from the real world to underline its criticality. 
The invigorating lecture was followed by an interesting question and answer session by the students. Mr. Nikshep D Apasangi, second year student proposed a vote of thanks. Earlier, DrR C Natarajan, Director, welcomed the audience.
The Institute completed 25 years of its existence in 2009 and moved to a modern campus which was formally inaugurated by the then President of India. To commemorate this land mark achievement, started a Leadership Lecture Series. On this occasion thought leaders from different sections of society share their vision, expertise and achievements with the students of TAPMI and other Manipal Institutions, to inspire them to take leadership roles in the quest for building a great Nation. 
Earlier, the leadership lectures were delivered by luminaries from different walks of life. Few of them were by Sri. Salman Khurshid, Minister of State, Corporate Affairs & Minority Affairs; Sri.RajdeepSardesai, Editor in Chief- IBN 18; Sri. Manish Sabarwal, CEO Team Lease;  Smt. Nirupama Rao  IFS, erstwhile Foreign Secretary, GOI; Dr. Anil Menon, President-Globalisation&Smart+Connected Communities, Cisco Systems Inc., Bangalore.
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