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40 Questions on Language Comprehension can be a game Changer in MAT February 1, 2015

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Language Comprehension

MBA aspirants who wish to appear for MAT February 1, 2015 exam which is being conducted by AIMA, may note that there will be 40 questions on Language comprehension in the exam.
These questions can prove to be a game changer hence, you need to take this section seriously. Language comprehension or reading comprehension (RC) is one of the complex sections wherein you will be tested on your vocabulary, absorption and comprehension of the language.
Important for You :
It is very important to note that before you attempt language comprehension passage, must quickly skim though the passage to understand what is that the author is talking about ? What may be the key words in the passage and what is inference you  understand as that may be very crucial for opting the answer.
With the Language comprehension in February 2015 MAT, you are being tested on your vocabulary and English language usage. Hence, it requires immense practice before you take the exam.
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