NDIM Offers Admission Interviews – GD/PI at Delhi Campus on March 7-8 & 14-15 for 19th Batch (2014-16)
Students interested in MBA Programme at NDIM Okhla (www.ndimedu.com) may also apply in this GD/PI
Students can purchage the prospectus from campus or apply online at www.ndimdelhi.org
Applicants to report at 10 am for interview only at :
New Delhi Institute of Management
50 (B&C), Tughlakabad Institutional Area
(Behind Batra Hospital), Opp. Rotary Blood Bank,
New Delhi – 62
Conact No. 011-40111000, 09717687114, 09654526125, 09654453220, 09958309367, 09910479889, 09871473337.
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