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NHRDN B-School Ranking 2018-19

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NHRDN B-School Ranking 2018-19

With the wrap up of another year in the MBA calendar and start of admission season, National HRD Network and Shine.com under the leadership of Mr P Dwarakanath (Chairperson, Ranking Advisory Committee), distinguished members of Ranking Advisory Committee and along with the Ranking Research Partner, Cinque Education Pvt Ltd, has completed the 6th edition of their annual B-School Ranking for the year 2018 – 19.


In the year 2012, NHRDN came up with the country’s only B-School Ranking which is entirely based on data, authenticated and validated, as their commitment towards enhancing the standards of professional education and contributing towards the people development goal in the country. All the stakeholders (Industry and Academia) increasingly look forward to it being the most authenticated ranking in the country.


NHRDN & Shine.com B-School Ranking is also the only Ranking in the country in which 100% of the participating B-Schools are visited in person by the Research team, which includes one or more senior professional/s from the Industry (who is/ are also NHRDN member/s). The data validation process helps in curbing on the data dressing and understand the softer aspects of Leadership and Governance in the B-Schools.


Another unique feature of the NHRDN B-School Ranking is the emerging B-School category in which the new business schools (from which 5 batches are yet to pass), who are doing well, are also covered and their best practices are highlighted.


This year (2018-19) NHRDN and Shine.com along with research partner, Cinque covered Top 50 B-Schools of the country. All of them were visited by the Research Team for the data validation process.

Senior professionals from companies such as Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, Oracle, Samsung, Fortis HealthCare, FIS Global, PepsiCo, Tata Motors, Hero MotoCorp, HCL Technologies, Usha Martin, Accenture, Taj Group, Aviva, Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Steel, Cheil, ABD India and many other, participated in the NHRDN B-School Ranking 2018 – 19 as the Research Team Members. They also shared valuable insights on the various softer aspects in the B-Schools, which helped the team analyse the data holistically and release the Ranking for this year.


For details of the NHRDN-Shine B-School Ranking kindly click on the link


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