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The 4th Batch of PGP in Management for Working Executives embark on a new journey at IIM Raipur

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The 4th Batch of PGP in Management

Published :  Lavleen Kaur Kapoor | June 29, 2015 | 03:00 PM IST

The Orientation and Inauguration Programme of IIM Raipur’s Post Graduate Programme in Management for Working Executives (PGPWE), ended yesterday with the beginning of new hopes and determinations. The orientation program which is organised every year aims to benefit the students who are about to embark on a new phase in their life.The Post Graduate Programme in Management for Working Executive (PGPWE) is an intensive one and a half year post graduate program in management, especially designed for mid/senior level professionals. The program is formulated and designed to enhance skills and capabilities essential for managerial positions. The focus is to enable and develop managers that understand global embeddedness and requirements of their organisations as well as also understand the intricacies of business at functional and strategic levels. The program also gives a special emphasis on emerging economies which have enormous potential and business opportunities. The Orientation Programme of PGPWE was successful in armouring the students with an all-round knowledge relating to academics and the industry.The students were enlightened by the lectures and experiences of veterans from both the corporate and the academic field. 

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Shri. Bajendra Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Chattisgarh. He gave the Inaugural Address and spoke to the students on the importance of being a good boss and dealing with a bad boss. “Bad bosses are universities of learning”, he said. He encouraged the students to not be stressed or tensed during a critical situation, but to come up with a viable solution for the same. He told the students that as they were going to be the leaders in the times to come, to be a good boss was also of a prime essence. He ended his interactive session with a presentation of Naya Raipur and shared the needs, objectives and plan for the same.

Shri. Pankaj Gautam, Executive Director, JSPL was the Guest of Honour for the occasion and he was pleased to be amongst the professional managers. “In my 41 years of experience, I had many opportunities to learn and I encourageyou to be an ardent and hardworking learner”, he expressed. “To become a successful manager, you must have both technical and managerial capabilities. A true manager can take decision and implement those decisions to be successful”, he stated. He also spoke on the “Importance of Listening”. He said that it was important to respect others’ views and to take collective decisions. He also stressed on the importance of Innovation. “No business can survive without innovation. Innovation is important to beat the competition. Encourage the culture of innovation, so that things can happen in a better way”, he remarked.He ended his interaction encouraging the students to make the best use of this opportunity of learning.

Prof. B.S. Sahay, Director, IIM Raipur spoke about Business Sense. He ensured that IIM Raipur will provide them a great opportunity for them to continue working and fulfil their wish to pursue MBA. “IIM Raipuris committed to provide all academic resources and we have a very rich library”, he said.  He reminded the students that it was their conscious decision to join the institute and hence they should not compromise in any way, instead make use of their experience. He also shared with great pride about the institute’s precision in all functional areas -Marketing, Operations, Finance, HR and General Management. He also encouraged the students to align themselves with Prime Minister Modi’s focus, which is on Skill, Scale and Speed.

Following Shri.Bajendra Kumar’s address, Prof. Anagha Shukre, IIM Raipur gave the Vote of Thanks, after which there was an Icebreaking session and Interaction with Prof. JagrookDawra, Chairman (PGPWE). Towards the end, the students interacted with the different faculty members who shared their experience and expertise in their respective forte. 

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