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MBA Rendezvous declares strategy for dealing with DI in CAT 2015

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Strategy for dealing with DI

Published :  Lavleen Kaur Kapoor | July 03, 2015 | 03:22 PM IST

Indeed CAT 2015 will as tough as was perceived in yesteryears and DI (Data Interpretation) will remain as intrigued this year too. 

How to overcome this puzzle on DI?  Your portal took specialist’s view and presenting you a detailed outcome so that you can be prepared for DI section in CAT 2015 

CAT 2015 aspirants may note that strategy for dealing with DI should be very straight as well as flexible. Do not start solving any set immediately, but read all the sets first and then make a call on which set is more structured and has lesser variables in terms of conditions that can be put in a structured table or a format easily.  

Make a good choice across the sections and, having decided that, give all the time to that set only. There are going to be hurdles but that does not mean you leave the set and move on to another set, as you have already taken a decision and invested a lot of precious time in that set. 

You should make a sensible choice in picking up the right set and doing the right thing before investing any time in a particular set or just jumping from one set to another. Moving from set to set will exhaust you and kill your time.

Even if you spend eight minutes in working out the entire set and the set is very clear, you can solve it immediately. Don’t be in a hurry that every two minutes you have to mark a question. Spend time on selection of the right set.

The key to cracking this area is to quickly identify the key pieces of data that you will require to work on the questions asked. It is not unknown for question-setters of the CAT to try and bewilder students with a large amount of data, most of it unnecessary. As a rule, the more the data presented, the easier the questions that follow, so don’t lose heart if you see a table with 10 columns occupying one whole page.

A must for you 

Improve your calculations

Improving your calculations is the first step to improve your Data Interpretation. You need to work on both accuracy and speed to improve this section. Speed can be increased by practicing regularly. Vedic mathematics can also help you to increase you speed. It is not necessary to follow Vedic mathematics if you are not comfortable with it.

To improve your speed try doing calculations in your mind rather than using pencil/pen. In the starting it would take some time to do calculations in mind, but slowly and gradually you will see a mark difference in your speed.

Solve different type of Graphs and Case lets

Solve different type of case lets instead of sticking to one type. Develop your skills to solve different case lets.

Practice regularly

Data interpretation is not a subject to be learned instantly. It improves with practice. Regular practice can do wonders in your speed as well as analyzing case lets.

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