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July 2015 has heralded MBA admission season for 2015 - 16

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MBA admission

Published :  Lavleen Kaur Kapoor | July 06, 2015 | 02:47 PM IST

Those of you who are fresher and still in degree college or are already having  some professional degree but are aspiring  to do MBA  may be pleased to know that current month of July has heralded MBA admission season for year 2016 and precisely for  the academic year 2016 -18 

September MAT notification is already out with last date for Registration on 22nd August 2015. MAT is being conducted by AIMA on 6th September 2015. Over 170 MBA institutes will accept MAT score. 

MAT entrance exam covers five sections in all. Scores of first four sections compose the final scores. However, institutions might choose to consider the score of the General Awareness section.

Section No.  Section    No. of Questions  Time Suggested (Minutes)
1. Language Comprehension   40   30
2. Mathematical Skills  40   40
3. Data Analysis and Sufficiency  40   35
4. Intelligence and Critical Reasoning  40   30
5. Indian and Global Environment     40   15
   Total  200 150


On coming 26th July ,notification for most coveted CAT 2015 will be out. Besides 13 present IIMs , newly announced 6 IIMs will also be accepting CAT 2015 score. As per the past trends, the test is likely to include  two sections : 

  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation (DI)
  • Verbal Ability (VA) and Logical Reasoning (LR)


AICTE will conduct the CMAT as an entrance test for admission to the colleges that offer MBA and for those which run postgraduate diploma in management programs. All the B-Schools recognized by AICTE can and are expected to accept the CMAT Score. 

AICTE will be conducting CMAT TWO TIMES in a year. The candidates will be given two opportunities to appear in CMAT; first in September 2015 and second in February 2016.

  • CMAT 2016-17 First Test Notification is expected to be out in 2nd week of July 2015.
  • CMAT 2016-17 First Test exam dates are likely to be in the 3rd week of September 2015
  • CMAT 2016-17 First Test Registration should start within one or two days after Notification is out. It will be open for one month.


The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) will conduct its written examination in the 3rd week of November 2015 for admission to its MBA-IB (MBA in International Business) programme 2016 - 18 at IIFT New Delhi and IIFT Kolkata. Notification in this regard is expected by 1st week of August 2015.


Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) is conducted by Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune for admission to various Post Graduate Programmes for the academic year 2016 – 18. The SNAP Test is likely to be held on 3rd Sunday of the December 2015. Notification to this effect is likely to come by August 2015 last week.


XAT or Xavier Aptitude Test is the entrance exam organized by Xavier Labour Relation Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur. However, it is conducted by the Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI) for admission in XLRI and many other top tier management institutes of India. It is considered to be one of the toughest MBA entrance exams in India that calls for complete dedication and awareness. XAT 2016 is likely to be conducted in 1st week of January 2016. Notification to this effect is likely to come by November 2015.

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