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Debate on Engineers or Non Engineers CAT Aspirants

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Debate on Engineers or Non Engineers

Published :  Lavleen Kaur Kapoor | July 14, 2015 | 04:30 PM IST

Over a period of time it is well perceived that more engineers take CAT and since Quant is the section wherein Engineers score easily as compared to aspirants who are from other educational background hence, this debate has emerged. 

After having done a small dipstick research, it has been found that those Engineers are in demand who have updated themselves with management study. Companies prefer Engineers with MBA background as that facilitates company to spread their wings globally. 

Without doubt debate heats up further as so called no Engineers do well in verbal ability for language skills as compared to their counter parts. 

CAT has basically embedded quantitative skills testing so naturally those with math background do better and others do have more chances of accuracy for language skills testing. 

Looks there is no end to the debate, rather we recommend that in context of present era of employment opportunities the debate is redundant. 

MBA Rendezvous is of the opinion that aspirants coming from  any of the educational background must get fair chance to compete in CAT so that quality of students goes further up. Fact of the matter is in forthcoming CAT 2015 also approx. two lac aspirants will vie with each other to get best percentile. 

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