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Five Features that make FORE School of Management the Place to be

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Five Features that make FORE School of Management the Place to be

Providing quality education in management for the past 40 years, FORE School of Management gives a life-turning experience which enables the students to reach new heights in their professional life along with a holistic development. Over 6000+ students have graduated from FSM since its inception in 1981.

The learning experience of students at FORE School of Management is invaluable and have enriched their life in many ways. With a clear vision and mission, FORE School of Management produces the best leaders in the field of management:

Vision- To make this world a better place based on knowledge creation and sharing.

Mission- To achieve and sustain Leadership in Management Education, Research,  Consultancy and Development.

Features that make FORE School of Management, the dream-place for every MBA aspirant:

Academic Programs

Academic Programs

Bustling Campus

Bustling Campus

Centers of Excellence

Centers of Excellence

Dedicated Faculty

Dedicated Faculty

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning

Academic Programs:

The following academic programs offered at FORE School of Management are approved by AICTE and the Institute is accredited by SAQS:

  • Two-Year Full Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
  • Two-Year Full Time PGDM (International Business)
  • Two-Year Full Time PGDM (Financial Management)
  • Two-Year Full Time PGDM (Big Data Analytics)
  • 15-Month Full-Time Executive PGDM (PGPX)
  • Full Time Fellow Program in Management (FPM)

Adding to which, FORE School of Management also has many International Collaborations and International Immersion Programme which not only makes the learning unique but also fruitful.

Bustling Campus

FORE School of Management is committed to providing skills based quality education comparable to the best by international standards and it subscribes to the philosophy of blending modernity with tradition and nurturing talent.

With expansive sports facilities, latest equipment and instruments for indoor and outdoor games, FORE School of Management encourages active participation of students along through team-work and provides a platform to display and develop their individual sporting skills.

FORE School of management does not own a hostel of its own, but is coordinating with M/s Rajhans Homes for facilitating the availability of accommodation for its being in the near vicinity of the Institute. To know more about the hostel facilities, you can check https://www.fsm.ac.in/hostel-facilities.

Standalone Language Laboratory is well equipped to nurture and facilitate effective language learning here at FORE School of Management. The use of the Interactive English software with headsets and microphones makes it very useful for student in learning languages and better communication.

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Centers of Excellence

 To reach the world class level of education and research, FORE School of Management has created seven Centers of Excellence namely:

  • Center for Customer Management and Analytics - To provide education, research and consultancy in Big Data and Data Analytics. It also promotes research in applications of Big Data in Customer Management.
  • Center for Entrepreneurship Development-  It promotes Entrepreneurial skills amongst the management students by creating a healthy ecosystem, to develop their creative ideas into feasible business plans such that they are motivated to come up with their own start-ups in few years down the lane.
  • Center for Operations and Supply Chain Management- The objective is to provide a platform for creating and exchanging knowledge and ideas and best practices in the area of operations management through research, consultancy and industry interactions to solve contemporary problems effectively.  
  • Center for Psychometric Testing & Research- FORE provides an intellectual space for psychometric research and testing in this center.
  • Center for Sustainable Development- FORE helps to shape innovative solutions to address the challenges of Sustainable Development to business and society through this center.
  • Center for Digital Innovation-  This center at FORE helps to research for a digital start-up initiative, live projects and consultancy.  
  • Center for Research and Innovation in Frugal Technology Management (CRIFT)- This center works closely with industry and technology institutes in the country and abroad to contribute to the body of knowledge in the area of frugal innovations and seek commercial feasibility for frugal innovations.

Dedicated Faculty

The highly experienced and professional faculty team makes substantial contributions to the curriculum through quality teaching, publications, seminars, conferences and research.  

The faculty contribution has received recognition from various platforms in India and abroad.  FORE enjoys an excellent reputation with the corporate world who generously contribute to its various academic processes and industry based learning. 

Experiential Learning

FORE School of Management is not just limited to the periphery of India, but gives experiential learning through foreign collaborations. This helps the students to have an experience of foreign cultures and work ethics. Some of the collaborations are:

  • Rennes School of Business, France 
  • ESCE International Business School, Paris, France
  • Vietnam National University – HCM- University of Law and Economics, Vietnam 
  • Kathmandu University School of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal 
  • STI University, Yangon, Myanmar 
  • University of California, Riverside (IEP), USA and many more.

 Hurry up and give your career a boost at FORE School of Management.

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